Sunday, May 30, 2010


      This is my new church. I found this church through a very good sister of mine. I am so eternally greatful to her for accepting me back into her life. You see ,we use to attend another church before together and she took notice of the greed and wrong doings before I could and needing to continue her walk with GOD she came to this church and has been there since. Her joy and happiness everytime she talked about her church took me by surprise for you see I was getting to the point were I did not want to go to church anymore. My heart told me different and since I loved the Lord with my heart and not my mind , My heart was set to find another church to attend and get back on track so that I can receive the word from the LORD.  The message is why we go to church. To get a better understanding of why we struggle. We need to believe that there is something better than this that we are searching for.
   I have never felt like helping a church achieve as much as this one. I never have felt the need to do all I can for a church. But, you see what I am learning in the short weeks that we have been attending, is that when you want to work for the Lord it has to be voluntary. No one should make you feel like you are obligated to do something. You have no obligations to know no one but, yourself. When you are not obligated and you choose to do things, they are at free will and they come from so much love. Their is nothing I would not do to help this church get bigger and spread the word from our almighty father. We as christians ,believers of christ, have an obligation to help fulfill what Jesus Christ started here with his healing and peace ministry. His sacrifice for our salvation, is all we need to want to continue to help others. To love one another no matter what. We need to heal this world that today is filled with so much violence and hate.
  A perculiar theory is what I learn at bible study on friday night. I was late but, GOD saw it fit for me to go and learn a lesson. What I learn was this. In the bible it states that God so love us he would let us try again and again and again and again until we get it right. Not like us that have no patience. When he put Adam here on this earth, he told him he could eat from all the trees except one.  Adam did not obey and ate an apple from the forbidden tree.
 Next we have Noah whom was told to bring in two pair of animals and all living creatures that were clean and his 3 sons and their wives and his wife. Then as we understand the bible it tells us that he brought in two of other people. That was mistake number two. Now we have the first king of Israel Saul. Good old King Saul was told to obey GOD and kill the Amalekites and all their animals and evrything there. He killed everything except an oxen and a `sheep and kept it. So now we have three people send by God to obey his law and we could not do it. There's a whole lot of people throughout the bible with the same story of disobedience. Until Jesus Christ came and eneded the fall of man. He actually obey the Lord's word and did exactly what he was sent to do. How many of us here today can say that?
   My message to you guys and ladies, is love one another, take care of each other. Life is very short .

These girls here
are my nieces and my very best friend . She is like a cousin. The one in the middle is my friend Franciny. The other two are my nieces. Vanessa to the left and Melissa to the right. They are going to visit me next week. I am so excited. None of my family has really been here in the Pocono's to visit me. I  am so excited.
Well my weight as of 7:30 was 131.8.... Yeah


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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Excited and enthused

  I just found out about new business opportunity . I am very new at it so I do not know much about it.   I do recommend for anyone to try it. It is a little bit of time consuming on the internet ,so I do recommend if you do not have about an hour to read and listen to the audio, then postponed it till later. The url for this site is posted below by the 100% FREE business opportunity link.

   Anyway, Hello everyone. I was not able to Blog yesterday. Really nothing to say. Today I weigh 132.2, and I started the Tae-Bo tapes That I have stated before. I past the instructional one and now I have reach the basic one. So wish me luck.
  I really have been trying to watch what I eat but, I fell off the wagon the other day . I ate icecream at bedtime and yesterday I had 2 lollipops of chocolate. Not Good. But I am a working progress. Don't be mad. Pratice does make perfect and I am working at it.

Here is my girls and my sister with me. This was taken at my oldest baby shower almost a year ago.
So much has happen in such a little time. I will eventually take a new picture of me and see what my results are as far as my weight loss.
Today's inspiration for me is to give myself more time to the Lord in the books that I read. I need to take more time to and just turn everything off and enjoy the beautiful stories that was written for me to see what has happen in this world and what has been written that is going to happen in the future.
I recommend that you read Psalm 27 in it's entirety , this psalm is an inspiration to me when I'm down and when I'm happy.

Take care of yourself and remember to pray...............

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Monday, May 24, 2010

MONDAYS UGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  As if monday's are not horrible as it is.  Thank you lord for my day.I have a habit of ranting instead od being greatful for my life first. Always with the negative. That is how we live our lives. Then we wonder why we struggle so much..
  Back to my job., After working hard to try to make my figures for the month and re merchandising the floor all week long, I had to move everything again today. Today was suppose to be a soft day for me . I was totally mistaken. I had to refixture the floor . Make pyramids of t-shirt and fold over 500 pair of jeans. Not a good day . I'm exhausted. I weigh today 132.4 and struggling again with food. I ate a snack bowl from kfc. That is chicken tenders with mashed potatoes and corn all in one bowl top with cheese. And for dinner a cucumber and tomato salad with red wine vinegar. This morning I had a lean body protein shake and a banana, and for a refreshment ,I've been drinking AZUZE. The slendreize kind and it only has 10 calories.
  I'm doing ok health wise but, my stomach keeps growling. Ive been stuffing grapes to fill me up. Wish me luck as I continue to battle my diet....

  Be safe........ till tommorow................ Enter id # 164542 It's a Christian Home Based business opportunity

Sunday, May 23, 2010

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Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

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I almost forgot. I this morning did my normal exercise. I was a big girl and even took out the old Billy Blank Tae bo vcr tapes that I have hidden. Oh My God only he can help me through those tapes. I thought I was gonna hurt all over but, to God be the glory I do not. I ate chicken breast and some pasta with garlic and tomatoes and taragon....Very delicious. weight this morning 132.8... This was my lunch and meal for the day. For breakfast I had some grapes and a banana shake. I mean only banana's and milk. ughhhh no sugar . I going to try to eat chicken stew for dinner.. Enter id # 164542 It's a Christian Home Based business opportunity

God is Good... All the time...

Hello everyone. Thank you Lord for allowing us to find our way back to you..
This man up here is my husband Michael. He was invited to sing today to the new church that we have been attending. I love to hear him sing even though he doesn't really know it. When he sings I feel so uplifted and it puts tears in my eyes to see how God works through him . He is normally a shy and timid person but, when he sings for the Lord their is no shyness and you can see he gets a spirit within himself. He seems to find peace. He reminds me of the young Michael I married. We have been married for 18 years and have been through a lot.  I fell in love with his voice. He has an ability to put me at ease when he speaks. It has such comfort that it is hard to describe. I am so thankful to God for him , to send me my comforter that not only is my husband, but he is my very best friend.. We can literally talk about anything ,even girl stuff that he sometimes does not want to listen but,as a good husband that he is , he just listens.. I love him for that. ..

 Today I went to church. I have been attending a new church call "NEW LIFE FAITH TEMPLE". That is exactly what it is. A new form of uplifting faith.I am so anxious now to go to church. I have never known such a gratifying spirit as the one I received when I go to this church. Don't get me wrong, I have been a member to other churches and my last church was a starting ground for us ,but spiritually we have gone all that we can and we were seeking more. You see when you want to received the word from God, you go anywhere to get it. Even in places you never thought that you would find yourself at. I give thanks to God for being patient with me and having the faith in me to find him. You know it is funy that is what our service was about today.
In Matthew 6:30- finish. It talks about how little faith we have. We are so busy in trying to worry about things that have yet not arise.  We have no time to give God, and have the  faith and patience that we should. I am not going to lie to you. I did not have a good amount of faith either. I struggled with giving money to any church when I was struggling myself. Having faith has put a different perspective in life and I do worry but, not as much as I use. I am what you can call a working progress. I pray and give thanks everyday to the Lord for allowing me all the blessings that I have aquire through his mercy and hope I gave you guys words of encouragement and hope your day is as good as mine.. If not send me an email and I will pray for you , for you see I do not have to know you or your circumstance in order for me to pray for you. Your issues are between you and God personally..Till next time
  Love and GOD BLESS Enter id # 164542
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Saturday, May 22, 2010

What a Hectic day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord what a day. First of all let's start by giving thanks to my heavenly father for giving me another day. I'm so eternally greatful for the good and bad in my life... Yes I said it the BAD.. I know that there is no testimonies without the test. For those of you who do not understand me, what I am trying to explain is how can you give advice to someone if you yourself have not gone through that . You can only give an opinion and words of encouragement about the cituation . You have to have gone through bad things in your life and over came it and came out better than before ,for you to be able to tell your story. That is a testimony...

Well my diet is a struggle. Today I ate for dinner a broiled steak and a salad with red wine vinegar instead of dressing. I am trying to stay on a 2000 calorie or less diet. I have lost 6 pounds so far since I started this thing. I am increasing the amount of times that I excercise a week and definetely back away from candy..My weight right now is 131.2. I started at 137.8 , So I am doing ok.

Work was a little crazy. It got busy and I try the best that I could to get the floors to look decent. It is very hard to merchandise a floor , when your two bosses have a different opinion...Nonetheless , I still have to do my job and satisfy both... So that is what I did today.

 This is my baby girl. Her name is Michelle. I am so proud of her. She has sign her first apartment and she is so excited. Way to go Michy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As a mom you only want the best for your kids. Both of my girls are making it and they are trying really hard to go to school and get a career so they do not have to struggle. Pics of my other girl will come soon. I have none on this computer to upload.

   I normally try to close with aa joke but here is something totally different.
     About:::: Faith
Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it... It is by faith we understand that the whole world was made by God's command so what we see was made by something that cannot be seen... Without faith no one can please God... Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him.

   Hope this gives you a little inspiration to continue your day happy. Till another day ........ Enter id # 164542 It's a Christian Home Based business opportunity

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Horrible Feelings?

This is my youngest grandchild she is now 1. Her mother my oldest child has officially learned a way to make me feel even worst than ever. Today is her 21st birthday. I feel old . Really old and fat. You know how I know i'm getting old, because it is taking me 4 weeks just to loose 4 pounds.
Today I had grilled porkchop and spring mix salad. Very tasty, but i'm still hungry. I also did my exercise. I think that I'm ready to start increasing it to 4 times a week and make the sessions longer.
My husband and I have been trying this new church to see if we like it. So far so good. But we will see. We were once convince that the church we found was the one for us but, it turn out it was not. What a disappoinment, but life is full of them. It does not stop me from seeking God and what I'm meant to do in this world.
Work suckkkkkk. I can not explain it any simpler than that.
A joke to finish your day..

"Funny Taste"

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other "Does this taste funny to you?"

Sorry not the best joke..See you tommorow

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Good day all.

Hope your day is better than mine. I can not get my Internet to work , so I have not been able to blog......The scales this morning says 133lbs. I have been in this diet but, have not been able to loose no real weight. My age is officially catching up to me.

Today my oldest child turns 21 years old. How old I feel. Happy birthday sicca. I call her sicca but her name is Jessica. When she was little there was a stripper by that name so it became her nickname since she was always taking her clothes off....

Work sucks I can't wait to go home.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

God bless you this morning. Sorry could not get online yesterday but I'm in full mode this morning . Have a great wednedsday.. Talk later

Monday, May 17, 2010

a day of work

hello to everyone today... Thank you most gracious father for getting us all up and blessing us with another day of life.
Nothing great about my day . My boss came from her vacation and we remerchandise the floor . It kept me busy . The day went by fast.
My husband had left to Va, to take our daughter Ashley and grandbaby Kamari,

She is the big girl you see here. I already miss her. She has the cutest smile and I love how caring she is. With such genuine love. I guess I won't be seeing her for a while.
Today I weigh 132 this morning but when I got home I weighed 134.8. I think it was the 2 piece chicken I ate coming home from work. It was fried too. So I have to do double the excersise today. Or drink more tea..
I'm off to cook some rice and pepper steak for my kids with a nutrious salad for me... yummyyyyyy.....

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It's a Christian Home Based business opportunity

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Trying new things...

Today was a wonderful day. First we went to church .Giving glory to God should be a christians first priority. It is so important to say thank you for all he has done for you .Everything you do and are is all because of the Glory of God. Today's word from the Pastor whose church we went to today was "get up". In life God has told us that many times we will fall down and sometimes be knock down but, Get Up. That is the difference that we can make within ourselves. God said he will not forsake us therefore, the challenges that we go through, take them for what they are and that,s just a knock down, so "Get UP". In Jeremiah 46:3-4 , it tells us that we should get our armour and shield and prepare for the battle . Get up ye horsemen and stand forth.

I went to a new church and it was wonderful and inspirational. When you thirst for the word of the Lord , you want to continue to pursue and be fed. We feed our bodies with food we also need to feed our souls as well. I have been praying aggressively for the Lord to show me the way. I am a sinner with a big heart for Gods attention. I want to live by God's law and not man made law. Let me explain , if I can obey the laws of the world that has been given to me by the goverment, why can I listen and obey to the laws of our Lord and saviour. He is the only man that shall put fear in my heart. To love and live like Jesus is probably the hardest thing to do. If you have faith and love your saviour it becomes the easiest. Faith is something that a lot of people lack, don't have and don't want. It is what I live my life by.

Changing the topic , today I weighed myself and it said 133 so I guess it's back down again from yesterday where I thought the scale was wrong. I went over to a couple of our friends house to celebrate her birthday. We had a couple of drinks and went home. we also, ate and had some food. It is so nice to be able to go to people's house and be able to sit and talk and converse . Share a plate of food and have a couple of drinks and say good night. We cherish friendships like that. There are a lot of people in the world and we are always in the defensive side. We are so afraid to let go of who we are because we feel people will take advantage of us ,abuse of us and not a lot are trustworthy, so when you can find a family that spiritualy feel the same way that you do it really is refreshing to be able to converse about the bible and teach one another . It's what God wanted from us in the first place.

My family after dinner went to Perkins and I tell you although we had to wait forever, the food that was prepared for us today was delicious. Thank you for this. I am really picky about what I eat now so I'm very self concious of what i'm putting in this body of mine.

A joke from " Our Town"

A guy is out with his buddies,has a few drinks, is feeling a little frisky, but true to his wife, goes home.
He finds her sound asleep in bed with her mouth wide open, so he gets two aspirin and drops them in her mouth. She starts to choke, but recovers and asks- " What did you put in my mouth?"
He says," Two aspirin."
She replies, "But I don't have a headache!"
He says, " That's all I wanted to hear...."

Enjoy this beautiful day that the lord has made ,we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oh another thing.... Eat a lot of salad and red wine vinegar. Try to get the one with 9% acid. It really helps cut your belly fat. Use this instead of ranch, blue cheese and all those other dressing... Talk to you'll later
What a day ? Weighed myself and it read 134. It has to be a mistake I was 133 yesterday what happen?

How's everyones diet and exercise coming along . My tummy seems flatter or do I want to beleive.

I just got off the phone withmy daughter and she is so happy that she got her apt. I'm so proud of my girls...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010



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What a day!!!!!!!!!

Glad it is over. First of I want to thank my heavenly father for waking me up this morning and allowing me to be able to go to work.
With this in mind , what a day at work. I should not complain because at least I'm working and there is so many people that has lost their job due to this recession that we just went through and a lot have not recover yet. Lord thaks for letting me get through. Shipment for May was delayed and June's was advance so a total of two months worth of shipment at one time. Very busy. The weather is not so great. I have a cold due to it but, at least I'm not suffering with allergies like a lot of people are. I had so much work I did not get to go to the bathroom till the end. I have my grandaughter here. She is three years old. She is so sweet. Makes me miss her when she is gone. She does not live here in Pa , so don't get to see her often.

My husband and I have a few days of fussing. So when I'm at work I usually use it to let out a lot of frustration. And I do. Believe me. I sometimes wonder what in the world our we fussing about in the first place. We have been married for 18 years. Don't you think by now we have fuss about everything and there is nothing left.

So in conclusion to this day it was an ordinary day. Nothing really special. I learn something today though, we all ask God for things. We expect things from him, but we are not willing to meet him half way. You know we want cars, house, good jobs, money, but we dont do nothing to try to get these things . Next time you ask god for something why, not do something first and them ask him for some favor towards you so that he knows you are serious...

As you all know I have stated before I was going to close with a joke from the "our Town " paper from my town:

"Only A Mother Would Know"

One day my mother was out, and my dad was in charge of me. I was like 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little " tea set" as a gift, and it was one of my favorite toys. Daddy was in the living room reading the evening news when I brought daddy a little cup of "tea" which of course was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my mom came home. My dad made her wait in the living room and watch me bring a cup of tea,because it was just the cutest thing. My mom waited, and sure enough, here I came down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy; and she watched him drink it up. Then she said, as only a mother would know, " Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?"
LOl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Till next time God Bless..
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Sunday, May 9, 2010


Hello everyone Happy Mother"s Day ....

Remember your mom today out of all days . It is so important to say thanks and acknowledge your mom for all she does for you. I went to a new church today . I can honestly say I enjoyed it so much. It was like a wonderful spirit was inside that church through all the children. Some of them had written poems to there mother and others sang a song for them but it was wonderful. I was really impress and bless to be a guest at another church. A good sister in christ of mine had asked me to come so a little skeptical like I always am decided to go. I was pleased so I will go next week as well. Yesterday we celebrated my grandbaby"s first birthday. I was so happy to be able to be there with all the children and help my daughter for it was her first birthday party. Now she knows why a lot of people have only one child. Kids are a lot of work. I am enclosing some of the pics that my wonderful son took of this event. So no promises on the great photography.... Another thing guess what, I lost 7 1/2 pounds , I now weigh 130.8. The strict diet I put myself on and the discipline it takes is finally paying off. I just have to keep doing this though all the time so that nasty tea I told you'll about that my sister recommeded is finally paying off. So a big thanks to her.

As usual I like to enclose a small joke for laughs... This comes from The "OUR TOWN" paper around our town in Mt. Pocono..

The title is
" Talk about getting old"

Poor Mildred was a 93 year old woman who was particularly despondent over the recent death of her husband Earl. She decided she would just kill herself and join him in death. Thinking that it would be best to get it over with quickly, she took out Earl's old army pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart since it was so badly broken in the first place.
Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become a vegetable and burden to someone ,she called her doctor's office to inquire as to just exactly where the heart would be . "On a woman," the doctor said, "your heart would be just below your left breast."
Later that night , Mildred was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her left knee....

Getting old and

May the blessing of the lord be with you today and everyday and may his spirit shine down on you.....Till the next time God Bless you

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Funny Tales...

Good Day everyone. Hope all is well and healthy. I've been trying to stick to this diet that I have decided that I needed and let me tell you it's been the worst. First of my wonderful sister(not) has recommended me this tea that has a fat blend loss and it tastes like crap literally. She was so determine to help me that she went out and bought it herself. How thoughtful? She wants whats best for me. So I love her for this.
I have been feeling under the weather so I have decided to take off a couple of days from work just to relax. Not working at all. I find myself looking for something to do and driving my poor husband crazy in the process. Don't know whats wrong with me. I stop drinking coffee and don't know how I feel about it yet. Never really was much of a caffeine freak but, I like the tastes early morning. I have been reading a lot of different books pertaining to biblical people. I"m reading now about King David. I always had wonder what made him so special. So I made it my business to read about him and now I can see why our creator chose him and was with him all the way even when he was wrong and sinned in so many ways. You can read about him if you like in the king james version bible in Samuel and second samuel.
I also like to read different things and i'm going to share something that I read. This was in the "our town " issue#69 of a bi-weekly publication that's distributed through different areas in our state. This joke that I"m about to tell you was submitted by an our town faithful reader and the name of the joke is

"State Fair"
A man takes his wife to the state fair and one of the exhibits is of breeding bulls. They come up to the first pen and there is a sign that says:" This bull mated 50 times last year"
The wife pokes her husband in the ribs and says: He mated 50 times last year.
They walk a little further and see another pen with a sign that says " This bull mated 120 times last year"
The wife hits her husband and says" That's more than twice a week! You could learn a lot from him."
They walk further and the third pen has a Bull with a sign that says" This Bull mated 365 times last year."
The wife gets really excited and says, "That's once a day. You could really learn something from this one."
The husband looks at her and says...." Go up and ask him if it was with the same cow."

Just a little humor to brighten your days . Have a bless day...

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

1st Bday

Today was my granddaughter's 1st birthday. I can not believe that a year has already gone by. It seems like she was just born , then again it seems like my daughter was just a small child herself.. I miss those days full of joy and laughter and sorrows all at the same time but, so worth it. I could have not lived my life any better. My husband and myself have had some rough times but , having get together's to celebrate life it just seems all worth it. We probably would not want to change anything even the bad.I was watching some all videos of when they were small. I mean my children as all of you know I had 4 myself. Now they are 21,20,19,16. They all seem to have their own family but when they come home and we all get together it just feels like it's home again. Cherish your little ones for as long as you can it goes by so fast, soon you would be like me just watching videos of those precious moments....

Family Photos

