Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ok enough with the snow. We are getting slammed over in the east coast... Another storm coming tonight and on Saturday.... Hopefully the last of it is on Tuesday .. Wish us luck digging out.
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Anderson Cooper & Crew Attacked by Mubarak Crowd in Egypt

What has this world come to when you can no longer do your job safely?
I applaud this man Anderson Cooper for putting his life on the line to report what is truly going on in Cairo, Egypt. You know how tv hides the truth about a lot of things. It is sad to say that out of all the things he has covered , he had to be in the middle of such violence. This country has been in war since long before Jesus... I do not know how many of you read your bibles faithfully but, in any version of the bible you will see that Egypt has always been at war. This democracy is important to exactly who is my question... As you see when a American citizen goes to another country to tell their story, it is not welcome. Exactly what kind of help do you think we can offer this country when we have troubles of our own .... We still have declining purchases in homes, unemployment still rising. Houses still being foreclosed upon and the banks still getting around the red tape not to help those that truly need it.
Anderson Cooper to you and your staff on behalf of this American citizen I thank you for putting your life on the line for the people in Egypt, so that they can be heard.... Im sure that those egyptian's immigrants that live here in these states will thank you too for your efforts.. Be safe and may God Bless You...... Agent 85374

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