Friday, September 10, 2010

having compassion

Good morning, Hope your holiday was great. Now the kids are back to school and the winter is approaching. I want to make sure I thank my heavenly father for all that he gives me and all the love he shows me even in hard times. Saying this I want to share a story that my Pastor has told us on bible study and when you read it meditate and let me know what you discern from it. Thanks in advance.... Love you all and I pray that all is well I'm your lives.. Your sister in Christ Sylvia I’M SORRY DOGGIE Once there was this little boy. As he was sitting in class one day, he was distracted from the normal every day routine of classroom activity by a rumpling sound that seemed to come from the garbage dumpster. Soon what revealed itself was a little mangy puppy that someone had thrown away. As the little boy watched from the classroom window, he couldn’t figure out what the little mangy dog was doing. Was he trying to get out? Was he trying to get warm? Was he trying to find something to eat? Soon none of that mattered to the little boy, for he knew that before the day was over the sanitation dept. would be there to dispose of the school’s trash and replace it with a new dumpster. Realizing this, his heart was gripped with compassion. Being bound by the classroom and the clock on the wall, he could only hope to be released from both, before the garbage truck arrived. Stirred by compassion that produced love in his heart, he began to ask God to give him an opportunity to do something before it was too late. Forgetting his classroom assignment, he spent the last ten minutes watching the dog and listening for trucks. FINALLY! The bell rings! The boy springs from his seat, leaves his books, hurries to his locker, grabs his coat, runs downstairs out the building around to the rear of the school, leaps into the garbage container, and takes hold of the mangy little mutt. Holding him close to his bosom, and speaking softly he says “don’t worry, your safe now and everything’s going to be alright”. Looking at the dog and seeing what seems to be a puzzling look his face. The boy says. “Oh, not me by myself, I know I can’t give you what you need, I mean after all I’m only in the third grade, But you see I have a big family. I’m one of nine children. I have eight brothers and sisters and we are all children of the same father. He’s gone away on business right now but he’ll be back you’ll see. Just wait till you meet him. He’s the most loving father in the whole universe, and my father taught us all that we should love just like he loves. So you see, you have nothing to worry about now. When the boy finally reaches home he hurries into the house to show his brothers and sisters the great events that have transpired over the course of a day. “First” he goes to his little sister’s room. “Hey look” he says. But before he could get any further the sister screams at him and tells him how ugly the little mutt is and that she wants it not only out of her room, but that he should take it away from the house as far as he could. The little boy, hurt but shrugs it off and explains to the dog, “she’s’ little, she doesn’t quite understand how we are supposed to love, please forgive her for her immaturity. Now changing his strategy, the little boy figures maybe he should start from the elder brother. Believing that if the younger children see the older ones respond in the right way they will then understand what it is to represent the father irregardless of how they feel about it. Yes you guessed it this also blows up in his face. Even going through the whole family he found out that “there is none that doeth right, no not one. Finally after every attempt to cover for his family’s insensitivity, he now see that all is hopeless and he realizes that the only thing he can do now is simply ask for forgiveness himself. I know what I promised you. And I really feel bad, I know the things I said probably caused you to get your hopes up, but I really thought my family would respond in a different way. They always seemed to get it right when fathers around. I didn’t realize they only do it when they think he’s watching. Now crying and holding the little mutt to his face, the little boys holding him closer said “I’m sorry doggie” for thinking this way, but I still believe it will be different someday. “I’m sorry doggie” to assume this way, but I still believe if I continue to pray, the day will come when father will return and set all things in order. Until that day comes I’ll stand in for him. I can’t do all the great things like him, but the one thing that makes me just like him is…………….. I know how to be a friend.

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