Thursday, June 16, 2011

Strike, Strike , Strike

  Good evening to everyone,

                 I have a lot to be thankful for this day. For starters my life and second my family and third my job. You see as of yesterday my company was going on strike. We had until 11:59 pm to get a tentative agreement that both our union and our company will agree to. As of this morning there was no agreement reached. I was very nervous, although our right to exercise a strike would have protected our jobs we would have no salary coming in. Not a good time to be on strike. That was in the minds of a lot of people that are sole providers of their homes. It took us to be told how much one ceo of our company received as a bonus this fiscal year. It was stated that this particular person made in bonus alone 12.8 million dollars. Now a company that is in dire straits and can not afford to give a decent contract to their employees  does not have the money to pay out this kinds of bonuses to anyone. Keep in mind that this was the bonus of only one ceo. There sits about twelve. I was not as upset as I guess other people were. The ceo works just as hard as I do and got what he deserve but, in that same perspective I had prayed that he can see that we as well work as hard as he does and deserve our compensation too. But God is wonderful I tell people all the time. He put the right people in place last minute and our negotiating team was up all night and half through the morning to get us a contract that we can live with. We need help with health coverage. I have to pay almost 60 dollars a week in health coverage for myself alone. Not including a 20 dollar co pay and 150 dollars each time I see the emergency room. Our hourly wages will increase this year and our pensions will remain as is. So that is good for us. I am still fairly young and far from my retirement age but I know that by the time it is time for me to retire, there will be no social secuirity for me to collect. That is why our pensions through our jobs are so important.. All I know tommorow I have a job to go to and I want to thank my company for negotiating and cinsidering us after all.

This is a joke " Double Blonde Joke"

   Praise the Lord today people... How is everyone? I hope you are all well in health and fortune...
I read a joke in one of our town free papers and want to share with you... Here it goes.

   " Double Blonde Joke"

   A blonde female police officer pulls over a blonde gal, in a convertible sports car, for speeding. She walks up to the car and asks the blonde for her driver's license.
  The blonde convertible driver searches through her purse in vain. Finally she asks, " What does it look like?"
  The blonde police officer tells her, "Its that thing with your picture on it." The blonde driver searches for a few more seconds, pulls out her compact, opens it. and sure enough sees herself. She hands the compact to the blonde cop.
  After a few seconds looking at the compact, the blonde cop rolls her eyes, hands the compact back to the blonde convertible driver and says' " If you would have told me you were a police officer when I first pulled you over we could have avoided this whole thing. "

                         Don't mean to pick on the blondes. I just read it and thought it was funny.
I also read a trick to do and it kills me to try to prove it wrong, but I can't. See if you can..
  All you do is while you are sitting at your desk , lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now while doing this, draw the number 6 in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction and there is nothing you can do about it..Let me know if you were able to do the opposite...

Friday, June 10, 2011

long commute....

God be the glory...... Is all i want to say after a long commute. I never realized how horrible commuting really is. I have a at least 2 hour drive in front of me everyday.:(
So I loose 2 hours of sleep in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. I love what I do and have been in my job a long time... but I wish I can find something closer to home. I feel like I ne er enjoy anything that I have worked hard for... Then I stop to think nothing is mine. God gave me a gift through Jesus so that through him I can stand here today and
complain to you and rant a out the small sacrife I make for my family and the blessing of my home but, like most people I do not choose to remember the big sacrifice Jesus made for me..
So as I sit on this bus that's hot and stinky going home in traffic and I absorb the
beautiful world we live in, I will just say thank you Jesus and enjoy while I can.....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Babysitter for the Grandchild

  Omg, today was a big mark in our lives. Our grandaughter had her first babysitter outting. Let me explain. We have always been around to watch our grandaughter while my eldest daughter goes to work. Someone always has been here or we all take turns in watching  her. She is use to family only. As we try to look at our schedules we realize that no one is going to be able to watch Jenelle in the morning. We are all busy in the morning and no one left to watch her. Time to look for a babysitter. My good friend Nancy happen to be available to watch her. So thank God for that, but we did not know how our grandaughter was going to react. She has never really been socialable without us being around. She knows Nancy but has never really been left alone with no one. She only needed to be watch for two hours but for a child that is not uise to being without her immediate family that is a long time. Needless to say she is only two..
 Time to drop her off. Can I tell you that we cried more than she. It turns out my grandbaby made us look like fools. She remember Nancy and was happy to go with her... But you have to understand we were like parents dropping of a child at school for the first time. I cried for all my kids. And it seems worst for my grandkids.... How crazy????

Forgotten Virtues...

   Hello to all. I hope today you are having a blesed day and all in your lives is well. As for me I can not ask for more than I can chew.
   I do not know where to begin so excuse me if I babble a little. Letme start by saying Happy late memorial day. Long weekend for me. I had 2 barbeques . I managed to be off on Friday. Said a little white lie that now I am suffering the consequences. This is why I do not like to lie. I told me boss that I had a personal matter and would like to take a personal day on Friday. He said ok. I had no real reason to be off with the exception that I just wanted some time away from work. I should have just said that but, instead I said I might have to go to court. Why did I lie??? I do not know but here is my punishment. I go to check on my hours of pay to ensure that all my hours are there for my pay period. This is my paycheck we are talking about and guess what....... NO PERSONAL DAY PUT IN..... So now I am not only short one day but two because if you do not work the day before the holiday you do not get pay for the holiday.... See why I do not like to lie.
     But I had fun on my days off. I usually commute to the city which is about two hours everyday going and two coming and was very happy not getting up so early. Back to my days off. Saturday did nothing but clean. Sunday went to two church services and a barbeque. and Monday another barbeque.. Thought I would have had more rest but, busy me always on the go did not know when to quit and just stay still.
   There have been some storms and tornado watches around our area these past two weeks, nothing compare to that in Missouri... I still pray for them and I am petrify of the thought of something like that coming this way. See there are some states that are more use to certain natural storms and our state is not.. We are use to snowstorms. Give us 20 inches of snow in one day and we will survive. You will see all of us continue our day like itwas nothing going on outside and it was just another day in the neighborhood. Give us lots of rain , fog that we can not even see the trees ,lights or anything else outside and we can get around like nothing but, tornados and hurricanes no can do. We are not equipped for something like this.  I am afraid of all the danger it could cause. All the lost lives it will leave behind.
  On another note remember these forgotten virtues. HONOR, PURITY, LOYALTY, INTEGRITY AND GRATITUDE......... These things are forgotten in today's world. It is something that we should try to live by and most of us do not even know the meaning of half of these.  God bless you all and pray for me as I will pray for you. Till next time...

Family Photos

