Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas time is near...

      Hello everyone. I hope the day is finding good in health and prosperity. Life in the Pocono Mountains is good. Today it decided to snow an inch or so. But tomorrow it's going to be 50 degrees, go figure.I guess we cant ask for everything.
   Very excited to have the holidays coming to an end. I love Christmas. This is the first time in a long time that I bought everything that I wanted to. With the exception of a few items here and there. I think I counted 5 to be exact. But very close... I spoiled my grandkids of course and this year added a little something for my grown kids and my husband.. God was on my side the whole year... I have had a tough year but kept my faith up and overcame a long long year.. . So glad to see it go.
  All I want for Christmas is an 80 in flat screen.... I will wait all year and want nothing else... I told my family no presents just gift cards from best buy, even if they are just 5 dollars...It is so beautiful...

      Hope you get all your heart desires and just remember what  the holiday is really about.Jesus Christ...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Congratulations is at hand......

   Hello everyone and hope all of you is well. I am great thanks to my all mighty father up above that takes care of me.I have had a couple of rough days, but I'm ok now. Thank the Lord....
   I am so sorry that I have not kept up with my  blog. Its been very crazy for me. But, I'll do my best to try to keep up.
   I have to report today my friend got engaged...I am happy for her but concern too... You see a few months ago she was having some problems with this man. However she is in love and this is easy to see..I hope that all works out for her because she deserves it. I am her friend so I wish her much happiness....

 Well to move on, I watch yesterday the movie " The Help" ... I was very excited to see this. However it was not what I expected... I think this film should have had opinions of real women in that era and time. I think that they will find the times being much harder and people more cruel. It's a nice story.
 I have done most of my christmas shopping. I am not done yet but, almost finish fully. My tree is up and my presents are under the tree so I am just really waiting  for the dinner, now....Pick up my youngest daughter's Michelle's gift. I got her a Android tablet with colormultimedia capabilities. It's nice.

101 Gifts to give all year long.....(61-70)
61. Share an experience
62. Find the time. Yes , you can. It involves making new choices.
63. Think things through.
64. Listen.
65. Examine your demands on others. Give some of them up.
66. Lighten up. Find the funny side of a situation.
67. Take a quiet walk when you feel like blowing  your top.
68. Be a friend.
69. Be optimistic.
70. Express your gratitude

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

This Day is finally over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Hi everyone. Hope you have had a great day. I have to thank my heavenly father for allowing me to have this day. It's sad that all I have is complaints.
   As I had specified before I am in retail. Retail is hell during the holidays.... Specially the Christmas one. The sales back to back and the early openings of stores... Today my  company had a big preview day sale.We open at 8. I had these sweaters that went on sale for 11.99. Now usually I have a hard time selling items because I am a lease department in a big retail store and my company does not accept coupons. So when we put a sweater  for 11.99 you can only imagine what a crazy day it is going to be.Our sweaters normally are in the price range of 59-109 just to give you and idea of what a great sale we ran today. Within the hour of the opening for business we sold about 115 of these sweaters... by 1pm I was sold out of about 600 sweaters. You can begin to imagine what a mess my boutique shop looked like.. I have never been so exhausted.. I have been so sick.. Since Thanksgiving.. I just have been going and going and going....My body just shut down on me and I ended up getting real sick. Felt like the flu. Instead I have a respiratory infection. It's like the beginning of bronchitis , but past a cold.... Two days of antibiotics and I feel great until the rain came to our town... I have arthritis ... Ouchhhhh... Need my arms and hands for work... So like I had said before, Lord I am greatful for the day but, I'm full of complaints...I live in the Pocono Mountains n Pa... Right about now the temp. is like 20 and snow, snow, snow... instead its 60 degrees and humid and rain so my arthritis is in overdrive...  Im so sorry I should be feeling more festive... On a brighter note, my grandaughter is doing much better. She was diagnose last week with phenomonia... You can imagine how horrible I felt. I love my grandkids like if they were my own. I sometimes feel like we end up loving them more.... I came home after being so tired and was looking foward to just sleeping and my baby was here... I mean my grandbaby... Did I mention that my other grandaughter Kamari is now 5 years old and I was told by my daughter that I am going to be yet another grandma again and this time I am having a grandson... Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....yeahhhhhhhhhhhh

    Thank you for listening to me and letting me vent without being critizize....

   As promised your 101 Gifts to Give Aall year long ( 51-60)
51.Do a kind deed anonymously.
52. Share your umbrella.
53. Leave a funny card under a windshield wiper.
54. Tape a love note to the refrigerator.
55. Give someone a flower from your garden
56. Share a beautiful sunset with someone you love.
57. Say, "I love you" first. Say it often.
58. Share a funny story with someone whose spirits are dragging .
59. Free yourself of envy and malice.
60. Encourage some youth to do her best....

 Be bold in everything you do... You are God's child and Jesus shed his blood for you ... So be bold and be loud and let the world know that if no one else loves and forgives you it's ok because who matters the most already has ....and continues to love you......

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Late Happy Birthday Wish............

I wanna wish a Happy Birthday to my husband.......I have been so sick that I had totally forgotten my husbands birthday. Every year I wake up and say Happy birthday and this year it totally slip my mind... I remember later on, to me I had already forgotten it.
Lord I want to thank you for the years that you allow us to have and celebrate with each other... As the time comes for us to celebrate the day that Jesus was born we want to thank you for all that you have given us...

Happy Holidays

    Hello everyone and I hope that all your days were full of love and prosperity....Happy late Thanksgiving.

I hope it was a blessed  one next to your family.. As for mine. It was spent with my mother-in-law and my three nephews and my eldest grandbaby that came up from Virginia... My three children and my youngest grandchild. I truly was very blessed.  Later that evening at around 7 pm I had to drive my husband to work cause as you may already know , black friday started at 10 that evening for some stores......As you may remember we are a retail family...
 Later that evening as if it could have gotten any worst, my granddaughter that was visiting for the Holidays had to go to the hospital. She had bronchitis. An hour after getting home, off to work I went. It was a pretty long week...
 All in all I had a pretty good Holiday.....

   I had in my previous posts try to give you free everyday gift giving ideas that are meaningful and last a long time and are free... I apologize for not being very diligent about posting them... I have been sick ...no excuse
so here we go....
  101 Gifts to Give All Year long---- 41-50
   41.Keep a confidence.
   42.Try to understand a teenager. Try again and again. Succeed.
   43. Let someone ahead of you in line.
   44. Catch someone "doing it right" and say , "Great job!"
   45. Say please..
   46. Say yes when you'd rather say no
   47. Explain patiently.
   48. Tell the truth, but with kindness and tact. Ask, "Does the other person really need to hear this? "
   49. Encourage a sad person.
   50. Spread a little joy.

 Inspiration for today....
God's blessing are dispensed according to the riches of his grace, not according to the depth of our faith." If we are not faithful, because he cannot be false to himself" (2 Tim. 2:13).

  Father, when we are weak, you are strong. When we have no faith , you have faith. Thank you for being true to us even when we forget you. Thank you for being faithful even when we are not.

Friday, November 18, 2011

What a day!!!!!!!!!!

Here in the poconos mountain it is currently 36.4 degrees. Very mild for a November day. Normally it has already snowed and the temp. is 15...... I am not complaining, I am just so thankful for the gorgeous and beautiful days that we are having... Thank you father for all you do, even though we do not appreciate it. I am so ever grateful.
 I am truly blessed... I tell all the people I know, I am broke but I am blessed.... People look at me weird and I tell them you do not know Jesus ... Let me tell you. And I try to offer a testimony to show that I was once skeptical about Jesus... You see life changes drastically when you cast away your fears and trust in the inevitable...Jesus. Not everything in your life will change. The way you deal with things are different. The way you see things are different. Your perspective to life and how to handle situations are different . It is a great feeling. Remind yourself this. There is a man name Jesus. Who was crucify by us the people he so loved. Nothing you go through in life, is as bad as the walk Jesus did when he was hung and nailed to the cross. The beating , the spitting at him the torture that we the  people caused him and yet he still ask God to forgive us. Nothing you go through is that bad.Nothing....

      101 Gifts to Give AllYear Long.....
31.Play catch with a little kid.
32.Help someone figure out a solution instead of giving advice.
33. Take a box of homemade cookies to work.
34. Visit an elderly shut-in.
35. Laugh at a boring joke
36. Tell your partner that she is beautiful.
37. Serve breakfast in bed and clean up afterward.
38. Clean the house for Mom and Dad.
39. Share a dream
40. Walk with your partner on a regular basis.

  I read this in an inspirational book and wanted to share it...
 Bitterness is it's own prison....
     Father , sometimes forgiving other seems impossible. Remind us that revisiting the cross is the first step in knowing how to forgive....Amen
  Life is short try living fully and not waste it in sorrow...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Boss...... uggghhhh

Good evening everyone. I hope your day was blessed and full of joy , even though we go through our everyday struggles. Today  I was introduce to my new boss. You see I work for DKNY Jeans. It has a license from Donna Karan but it is made by LIZ CLaiborne. This year the license expires. Actually it ends 2012. Dkny International but the license back and now I have a new boss. Excited and scared.. It is like having a new job. You don't know what is expected.
wish me luck.....

On another note..... The 101 gifts to give all year long... 21-30
21. write an encouraging letter to the editor.
22. Take Grandma or Grandpa to lunch.
23. Send a "thinking of you" card.
24. Wave and smile at a parking enforcement officer.
25. Pay your bills on time.
26. Give your used clothes to a needy person.
27. Pass on some good news. Don't pass on the gossip.
28. Say something nice to someone.
29. Lend a favorite book.Don't nag to get it back.
30.Return a friend's favorite book....

Our prayer for today...
   " Father forgive us for the times that we have questioned you; forgive us for the times we have doubted you; forgive us for the times we've shaken our heads and pounded our fists against the earth and cried, " Where are you?" For father , we know that you have been here---- you've carried us through the valley, and you've given us strength...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday... Hump Day.....

Good evening to all. Thanks to my almighty father for allowing me the strength to sustain another day. Although it was raining . It could be worst. It was a busy day at work. We had a big sale at work and oh my God everyone was there... It felt like all of New York(lol)...
  I had posted some things that you can give away all year long....
Here is 11-20

  11. Say "Good Morning," even if it isn't.
12. Mail an unexpected and caring letter to an old friend.
13. Place a surprise phone call.
14.Wash dishes when it's not your turn.
15. Empty the trash when it's not your turn.

16. Ignore a rude remark.
17. Send a "one-minute love call
18. Start off someone's day with a joke or a funny story. ( My favorite to do)
19. Make coffee at the office for your secretary, for example.
20. Save the want ads for a job hunter.

  Hope this helps......with gift giving..

  A joke.....
   Levels of Stress..
  You pick up a hitchhiker, a beautiful girl. Suddenly she faints inside your car and you take her to the hospital. Now that's stressful.
   But at the hospital they say she is pregnant and congratulate you that you are going to be a father. You say you are not the father, but the girl says you are. This is getting very stressful!
   So then you request a DNA test to prove you are not the father. After the tests are completed , the doctor says that you are infertile, and probably have been since birth. You are extremely stressed but relieved.... On your way back home, you think about your 3 kids....

Something to remember.....The single most difficult pursuit is truth and love..

Happy upcoming Thanksgiving...

My Day with my grandbaby......

   What a wonderful day today was... Thank you Lord for all that you grant us to have..I had pick up my grandbaby today after work and spend a few hours with her. I had not been able to do so because of the holiday hours that my job now requires of us ...She is my life. Everything about her is so divine and when I look at her I just can't help but thank God for my blessing .

This is my grandbaby Jenelle... She is 2 now. Time is really going by fast.

Friday, November 11, 2011

What a beautiful Day....

  Life is beautiful. I woke up at 3:30 this morning to get myself ready for work. As I get up i am so groggy and lazy that all I want to do is just lay back down... It's a bit chilly and here I have to get myself together for work... (Still have not hit the Powerball or Mega Million...lol) I have about 30-40 minutes to get myself together and out of the door... I'm finally up and about , time ticking away. I'm rushing because if I do not get on the highway on time then , I'm late. I have a 2 hour commute. As I am ready for my day and say goodbye to my husband , I open the door and just admire the beautiful moon staring dead at me. Just as bright as can be. It lit up the whole sky. I just took a deep breath and look up at it and said THANK YOU LORD FOR ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL DAY..... I immediately felt so uplifted and my day went so smooth from them on..
  We sometimes get so involve with the hectic things in our lives , that we forget the beautiful things that are around that do not cause a thing and bring so much joy and tranquility.... Peace... Like the day Jesus was born...I couldn't help but say that.... It just felt like it....
   Work was work but today it seemed to go well. I got a lot accomplished ..Holiday time (Yeahhh)...I love Christmas holiday. It's not about the presents for me, I always taught my kids that Christmas was a celebration of when we were all born again... Jesus birth signify our rebirth.... And this was the biggest and best gift we can ever receive from anyone...
   I hope the start of your holiday is filled with joy to help others and those who need it the most. This year , I am going to collect all the coats and clothes from people that I know, and I am taking it to a church that I attend. On Sunday's after service, we have community dinners and the people that come are mostly seniors that are alone and have family far away. They needed coats. Some were cold and only had sweaters because they had nothing else... So I decided to lend a hand. I do not have any extra money, but I can ask around for articles of clothing, coats shoes etc..... Anything to help with what I can...
                                  Have a blessed day and smile... Jesus loves you..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ohh My Godddd!!!!!! What a day!!!

    Have you ever had a day, that never ends and you just want to scream because no matter what you did, it just seem like you did not accomplish anything ????   That was me today.. should not complain
    Hello all. Hope your day was better than mine. I should not complain because at least I have a job to complain about . There are so many people still unemployed and I know wish that they could be in my shoes. But I tell you, that the holiday season has officially began for us ... I work in NYC. Extremely busy around the holidays. My company today had to transfer over 2000 units to other stores.... They have sold out of units. Our store is the biggest store so we had to transfers units there. It felt like it took us all day... Moving on to another subject...
      The hold discussion today was about the Dr.Conrad Murray case. Opinion so don't kill me for having one. I am so tired of these Dr.s and celebrities thinking that because they have money, they can do whatever they want.Michael Jackson, I loved his music, think he was one of the best artist I will see in my lifetime and felt sorry for him... All the charities that he participated in, all the money he gave to all causes did not mean a thing... The only thing people saw was an accused child molestor... A pedifile..After his death, the man whose parents accused Michael of molesting their child back in 90's, has come out and told the truth. Although his parents had put him up to it, u can tell he was haunted with living that lie... At the time he was 13 years old..   I as an individual can not stand when someone lies on me. It really makes me mad. A lot of people saw it as him admitting  guilt, when he paid them 20 million dollars. Everyone was very upset because we expected him to go to court and prove his innocence... The truth was that he wanted to go to court. He was on tour when the allegations came out and his promoters had told him to just give them 20 million than they loosing 200 million which was the paycheck for that tour he was doing...I had taken my time to research, because you tend to wonder how a man that was so loved by the world with everything going for him could have had so many issues... After listening to all the evidence that was shown, I could not believe that a man so talented suffer so much...
      This Dr. was a greedy man. A lot of people had commented that Michael Jackson was a drug addicted.. That to me he was. He was addicted to prescribed medicine... Knowing this how can a Dr. who is license to do the best for his patience , treat this man with a drug that is only use in the hospital under supervision and monitors. He was definitely abusing his authority to practice medicine. At the end of the  day, he chose money over his code of ethics as a Dr.....Too Sad

Monday, November 7, 2011

Holiday season..... It's on it's way

   Hello everyone. I hope you had a great day. God is so good to us. Beautiful day here in the Pocono Mountains. Just last Saturday, it was snowing and we were cover in 10 inches of snow. Some people I know still have no electric from that storm. Today it was 63 degrees... What the heck is going on here? Who are we to question, I learn to just enjoy. Got some extra sleep yesterday . Daylight saving time is great when the time goes back. Now I feel like the night comes earlier...and you sleep a little longer..

    I know you are probably thinking I'm crazy for sharing this pic with you but the truth of the matter is that I work in retail. I never see no holidays other than back to school and Christmas... So I am going to repeat Happy Thanksgiving in the hopes to celebrate a Holiday other than Christmas.. I hope all your plans for a Thanksgiving dinner work out well. This is the first year, I am celebrating Thanksgiving at my house with my husbands family.. My mother-in-law and my nephews are coming up. I am really excited. I am also going to have them on Christmas.... I ask what they wanted for Christmas. What a mistake. Never ask a kid what they want for Christmas. On my quest to start Christmas shopping early, I found this list of gifts to give all year long...

     101 Gifts to Give All Year Long
1. smile
2. Provide a shoulder to lean on.
3. Pat someone on the back.
4. Say "Thank you."
5. Give an unexpected kiss...
6...or a warm hug.
7. Say, "You look wonderful! and mean it.
8. Rub a tired back.
9. Whistle when you're feeling down.
10.Send a thank you
Here is the first ten on that list... I'll give another 10 tommorow..

  Bitterness is its own prison.... Food for thought.
   See you tommorow God willing

Sunday, November 6, 2011

  Hello to all. It has been quite a long time since I wrote in my blog. I have been very busy and just have had no time for myself . All in my family is blessed. My little grandbaby is getting bigger .She was a pirate for Halloween..Too cute. Well, I hope that all of you are in good health and spirit..

   A Joke............


Saturday, September 24, 2011

    Oh My God...... Thank you Jesus for taking the longest walk anybody has ever taken and sacrifice himself for us future sinners so that we may be able to one day recognize the wrong in our lives and try to make it right. Thank you for the opportunity because without him we are nothing......

    I am so sorry I have not blog in quite sometime but, I have had a lot of events take place and just have been to distracted and honestly had no time. Life has been great, even though we have had some curveballs but that is expected. I do not know one single person that has not experience trials in their lives. In fact the harder you try to live life right , the harder things become. More obsticles come your way and you feel like you are in a no win situation.  The goodness of it all is that with the grace of God you see things differently and react different therefore your outcome becomes different. It is a beautiful thing when you can feel the love of Jesus in your life... You see it and others see it too.
  On another subject as You all remember I have a 2 year old grandaughter. She has grown so much in just a few months that it is hilarious for me to even tell you some of the events that take place here. There is this show that she so adores. It is called Yo Gabba Gabba. I found out that they are touring this year so I check their website to see when they will be coming this way.
  For those of you who know what I am talking about, I have enclosed a link that you can go see for yourselves..  http://www.yogabbagabbalive.com/

       I hope that all of you are in good health and in good spirits and keep praying for all your needs and not your wants....

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A day of Praise

   Praising the Lord is how we wanted to start our day. I want to take this time to pray and thank my heavenly father for all that I am and all that he gives me and my family... I have prayed for understanding for so long and all I ever wanted was to be able to give a word to another person that needed to hear what the Lord has us here for. You know I felt that I would never get to a place where I would be able to understand the bible or it's contents in it...Better yet, put it to use and be able to try to live by it.. We are a generation that really are a repeaing from our ancestors.. We feel entitled to everything that we want. Instead of being grateful for the things we already have. Our families before us suffer to give us the things that were important and needed in our lives but today we teach our children to seek for materialistic things and not the things that are needed like Christ in their lives... The significance of loving......

  On that note I want to share what I learn in church today. I have not gone to church in a couple of sundays but, I do keep up with the sermons online. One of the beauties of today's technologies... The pastor spoke about the wounded warrior. This whole months series has been about warriors in the bible...Today was dedicated to the men ..
   He has made a statement that really hit home in many families today.. There is so many children growing up in a single family home and what we are not realizing is that we are training our kids to be single parents as well. Men are often not present in their childrens lives. Because of this the mother has no choice but to raise her child the best way she can... A man child needs to be raise by a man.. As strong as we are we are still not men. We can not teach a boy about the things that they go through simply because we have not gone through it.. Example a father can not teach his daugther about her monthly visitor and the need for pads or even how to use a tampon because he has not gone through this. He has no experience in it. He has no idea how any of this works with the exception of what he may hear. Men are important in a young man's life. Our hurts is spill over to our children... Their was a quote my pastor said that stuck to me. He said and I quote " Hurt people tend to hurt people".. It took me a while to understand it but I did. If you are carrying a hurt from someone in your past specially from your father you tend to past that hurt to your child. You have to learn to forgive that person for whatever reason they were not there and hope that your time with your child is well spent and remebered. Your teachings will be remembered by your child and will be used in the future generations to come.. Tell your kids you loved them, tell them that you are proud and tell them that you believe in them....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nothing to say except I love you....

   Hello everyone. I hope this brief message finds you all in good health and spirit. It has been a long wek and een though I have nothing interesting to say.... There is much to be grateful for. I have my health, my family and a job . I have strength to live another day and still have stength to continue our spiritual fight....
    This week we had the privilidge to visit a good friends of our.His wife was put in a home a while ago and she had surgery a fw days ago with her kidneys... Her percentage at the time was 70 and now it is 7. So they are preparing for her homecoming to the Lord... He had asked my husband if he can visit and sit with them and sing some spiritual songs to comfort the family.... We went over and had a wonderful time. We were just sadden for what is to come, but it was wonderful to see how this family has loved each other for so long and how they are trying to be strong for one another... I can only ask for prayers for them and hope that God sends them the comforter when their time come to depart from their loved one... In closing I am going to include an incerpt from the bible.. It is Isaiah 40:26-31 and it reads...

26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

27 Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God?
28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just another Day.............

   Hello my fellow brothers and sisters. I hope my brief message finds you in good spirit and great health.
My life the last few weeks have been too much to handle. But God on my side I was able to survive. As I had told you before my grandmother had been sick, shortly after she passed on and we had the funeral. We have been trying to adjust with that. To change matters a fellow friend's mother past as well. I have seen to much death. Although we should not be afraid of death but welcome it as another chapter of our lives, we can not help but feel a little compelled about it. I just have had to much of it at one time.
  I was listening to a series of sermons that were posted on my church's website, and they were all about marriages. The good ones and the bad ones. One ting that I found out is that statistically in today's world we are setup to fail in our marriages than to succeed. The divorce rate is higher than it has ever been and the lengths of a marriage is shorter and shorter by the decade. There are so many children left with two homes instead of one and what we do not realize is that we are passing all the negatives to our children. We are basically saying its ok to not try to work things out in a marriage. I use to think that once you are married you were basically stuck and happiness did not matter.  As a married person my individual emotions and dreams did not have meaning anymore but in fact, its the total opposite. I am not going to lie to you and tell you that it is easy. It is about the hardest thing that you will do in life. But it is a beautiful thing. It is what God wanted for us. It's the reason he made Eve for Adam.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Our final goodbyes....

  Hello to all and good health and strength in the name of the lord...
   As many of you may already know, my grandmother has been at her death bed since last week . This past friday her life support was removed at around 12 pm. A true fighter all the way ,as we had expected  she did not leave us until Saturday evening... Her funeral will be held this friday at 11. in Virginia...
   A word from the bible... in 2Tim:4 6-8 it states " For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."

   I feel such great comfort in knowing that the beautiful woman that fought a good fight will receive her crown by our all and mighty judge as it should be. Such tears of joy and sorrow I feel from all this. It was a strong woman that has return back to the king and although she  will be missed dearly, she has left so many memories that will heal the sorrow in time. My grandma was 88 years of age . A good life she lived. A great person a kind woman loved by all who knew her and admired by those who only knew about her.... We will truly miss you but thank you Lord for giving us such a gift.....

  It's a poem

        I was Dying......
First I was dying to finish high school and start college.
And then I was dying to finish college and start working.
And then I was dying tomarry and have children.
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I can return to work.
And then I was dying to retire.
And now, I am dying......and suddenly I realized I forgot to live.

 Cherish your love ones ... for one day we will missed them and it will be to late to tell them you love them...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How we mourn....

    Hello everyone. God is good no matter what. I have strong faith that the grandmother we know is either in that body that lies in the hospital brain dead or has risen to her new home next to our king and is looking down on us trying to send comfort for those who can not let her go....
   For all of you who do not know yet, my grandmother has had a massive heart attack and is in the hospital since thursday of last week. The Drs. say she is brain dead and that she has pass, but some of the family memebers refuse to take her out of life support and therefore her soul if indeed has lifted up can not rest until the body has been laid to rest...

                     I was trying to locate a picture of her to show her beautiful face but could not find one in my computer at this time... I will later post one as I feel fit. In any regards although she lies in a hospital bed dead, I have began to accept the fact that maybe it was her time and God did not want her to suffer any longer. She was 88 years old. A strong woman. Never judge anyone and loved everyone.Her door was never shut. The big momma of our family ,she kept us all together and strong. No matter what we did wrong, she was there with open arms to just love us.... To her last breath she whispered words of love and compassion to those who knew her . I was reading a lot of different stories of how people dealt with sorrow and I found a poem that was a little different than most. This poem is told in the eyes of the Lord to all parents... But in this case is to my grandma from the Lord to us.....

   THE POEM.......

        I'll lend you for a little time a child of mine, He said,
For you to love the while she lives and mourn, for when she's dead
It may be six or seven years. or 80 or 83,
But will you, till I call her back, take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you, and shall her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief,
I cannot promise she will stay, since all from Earth return,
But there are lessons, taught down there, I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
 I have selected you
 Now will you give her all your love nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call to take her back again??
I fancied that I heard them say Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
For all the joy Thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness, we'll love her while we may,
And for the happiness we've known forever grateful stay;
But shall the angels call for her much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bittergrief that comes and try to understand..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another day with God's blessing....

 Good morning everyone. Today I am doing a little better than I was yesterday. I was in the hospital with my grandmother. She has been ill and not doing good at all. But let me tell you how good God is. If you did not know about Jesus you need to go look for him now while you can.
  My grandmother yesterday was was showing positive signs. Now today was going to be a critical day and so far so good. I came this morning with a positive attitude because yesterday she was moving . Although it was small gestures, they were huge to us. She is so tired and we are so selfish that we want her here with us instead of allowing God to do his will. She is such a fighter. I never really had someone accept me for who I am without being judge before. She has never pointed fingers and has never disrespected me like a lot of my husband family do. This lady is the closest to me having a grandmother.....
   Pray for my family please... For strength at our time of need.. And we really need.......I will keep you posted...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A not so healthy trip......

 Hello everyone. Today is a beautiful day. God be the glory. I hope we are able to enjoy more days like this.
I was called the other day and was told not some healthy news. I have family in Virginia. My grandmother is ill and things do not look so good. Anyhow, I had to pray very hard.
  You see , we have to learn to ask god to guide us while we become selfish and ask to keep us in his hands wil we grieve. Although she has not passed, she is of age and is not breathing by herslf right now...
  I can not really talk about this situation right now, jst needed to ask for prayers for my family to keep us strong and allow God to do his will..

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Good Joke..... The Lawyer Vs. the Cop.....

       Good Day everyone...
         I ran accross this joke at our bi-weekly publication. Always a free paper to inform our community of what is happening around town. We are all so greatful for that.

    The Lawyer Vs. the Cop
                   A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a Jersey cop. He thinks that he is smarter than the cop because he is a lawyer from New York and is certain that he has better education than any cop from Jersey. He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the cops' expense.
     The cop says, " License and registration , please."
    " What for?" says the lawyer.
 The cop says " You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign."
The lawyer says, " I slowed down. and no one was coming."
" You still didn't come to a complete stop," says the cop.
" Licence and registration, please."
The lawyer says, "What's the difference?"
"The difference is you have to come to a complete stop, that's the law. License and registration, please! " the cop says.
Lawyer says, " If you can show me the legal difference betwen slow down and stop, i'll give you my license and registration.; and you give me the ticket."
 " That sounds fair. Please exit your vehicle, sir," the cop says.
At this point, the cop takes out his billy club and starts beating the ever-loving crap out of the lawyer and says, "Do you want me to stop, or just slown down?"

          This was submitted by a reader of "Our Town" publication...

I'm back, gone long but not forgotten ......

                                                                        Hello everyone. I hope all of you have been well in health and prosperity and all that maters to you. God has truly bless me in these troubled weeks that I have been expriencing. I have been sick and all the troubles at work . A little over stress but nonetheless ok. The fourth of July came and went and now we are finally came getting hot weather. Happy Independent day. Better late than never is what they say....
This is a pic. of Jenelle and Wilson.My grandaughter and nephew. I just can not believe how grown they both are. I remember Wilson when he was ten days old and I kept him here in my home while my sister recooperate  from being ill. And now  he is five years old. My grandaughter is a little firecracker herself and now she is two. Will only take pictures with wilson, her favorite cousin in the world.......

Of the fourth of July I had a small gathering . My sister who has come to my house maybe 2 times sice I have move from the city to the mountains , had came up. I had some friends and we just had a lot of food and listen to music and had a good time. My kids took my sister to the lake while we got the food prepared and the little ones just played.

My beautiful sister, (the shorter one) and one of my many blessings my oldest ddaughter and little Jenelle sneaking in the picture....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Strike, Strike , Strike

  Good evening to everyone,

                 I have a lot to be thankful for this day. For starters my life and second my family and third my job. You see as of yesterday my company was going on strike. We had until 11:59 pm to get a tentative agreement that both our union and our company will agree to. As of this morning there was no agreement reached. I was very nervous, although our right to exercise a strike would have protected our jobs we would have no salary coming in. Not a good time to be on strike. That was in the minds of a lot of people that are sole providers of their homes. It took us to be told how much one ceo of our company received as a bonus this fiscal year. It was stated that this particular person made in bonus alone 12.8 million dollars. Now a company that is in dire straits and can not afford to give a decent contract to their employees  does not have the money to pay out this kinds of bonuses to anyone. Keep in mind that this was the bonus of only one ceo. There sits about twelve. I was not as upset as I guess other people were. The ceo works just as hard as I do and got what he deserve but, in that same perspective I had prayed that he can see that we as well work as hard as he does and deserve our compensation too. But God is wonderful I tell people all the time. He put the right people in place last minute and our negotiating team was up all night and half through the morning to get us a contract that we can live with. We need help with health coverage. I have to pay almost 60 dollars a week in health coverage for myself alone. Not including a 20 dollar co pay and 150 dollars each time I see the emergency room. Our hourly wages will increase this year and our pensions will remain as is. So that is good for us. I am still fairly young and far from my retirement age but I know that by the time it is time for me to retire, there will be no social secuirity for me to collect. That is why our pensions through our jobs are so important.. All I know tommorow I have a job to go to and I want to thank my company for negotiating and cinsidering us after all.

This is a joke " Double Blonde Joke"

   Praise the Lord today people... How is everyone? I hope you are all well in health and fortune...
I read a joke in one of our town free papers and want to share with you... Here it goes.

   " Double Blonde Joke"

   A blonde female police officer pulls over a blonde gal, in a convertible sports car, for speeding. She walks up to the car and asks the blonde for her driver's license.
  The blonde convertible driver searches through her purse in vain. Finally she asks, " What does it look like?"
  The blonde police officer tells her, "Its that thing with your picture on it." The blonde driver searches for a few more seconds, pulls out her compact, opens it. and sure enough sees herself. She hands the compact to the blonde cop.
  After a few seconds looking at the compact, the blonde cop rolls her eyes, hands the compact back to the blonde convertible driver and says' " If you would have told me you were a police officer when I first pulled you over we could have avoided this whole thing. "

                         Don't mean to pick on the blondes. I just read it and thought it was funny.
I also read a trick to do and it kills me to try to prove it wrong, but I can't. See if you can..
  All you do is while you are sitting at your desk , lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now while doing this, draw the number 6 in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction and there is nothing you can do about it..Let me know if you were able to do the opposite...

Friday, June 10, 2011

long commute....

God be the glory...... Is all i want to say after a long commute. I never realized how horrible commuting really is. I have a at least 2 hour drive in front of me everyday.:(
So I loose 2 hours of sleep in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. I love what I do and have been in my job a long time... but I wish I can find something closer to home. I feel like I ne er enjoy anything that I have worked hard for... Then I stop to think nothing is mine. God gave me a gift through Jesus so that through him I can stand here today and
complain to you and rant a out the small sacrife I make for my family and the blessing of my home but, like most people I do not choose to remember the big sacrifice Jesus made for me..
So as I sit on this bus that's hot and stinky going home in traffic and I absorb the
beautiful world we live in, I will just say thank you Jesus and enjoy while I can.....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Babysitter for the Grandchild

  Omg, today was a big mark in our lives. Our grandaughter had her first babysitter outting. Let me explain. We have always been around to watch our grandaughter while my eldest daughter goes to work. Someone always has been here or we all take turns in watching  her. She is use to family only. As we try to look at our schedules we realize that no one is going to be able to watch Jenelle in the morning. We are all busy in the morning and no one left to watch her. Time to look for a babysitter. My good friend Nancy happen to be available to watch her. So thank God for that, but we did not know how our grandaughter was going to react. She has never really been socialable without us being around. She knows Nancy but has never really been left alone with no one. She only needed to be watch for two hours but for a child that is not uise to being without her immediate family that is a long time. Needless to say she is only two..
 Time to drop her off. Can I tell you that we cried more than she. It turns out my grandbaby made us look like fools. She remember Nancy and was happy to go with her... But you have to understand we were like parents dropping of a child at school for the first time. I cried for all my kids. And it seems worst for my grandkids.... How crazy????

Forgotten Virtues...

   Hello to all. I hope today you are having a blesed day and all in your lives is well. As for me I can not ask for more than I can chew.
   I do not know where to begin so excuse me if I babble a little. Letme start by saying Happy late memorial day. Long weekend for me. I had 2 barbeques . I managed to be off on Friday. Said a little white lie that now I am suffering the consequences. This is why I do not like to lie. I told me boss that I had a personal matter and would like to take a personal day on Friday. He said ok. I had no real reason to be off with the exception that I just wanted some time away from work. I should have just said that but, instead I said I might have to go to court. Why did I lie??? I do not know but here is my punishment. I go to check on my hours of pay to ensure that all my hours are there for my pay period. This is my paycheck we are talking about and guess what....... NO PERSONAL DAY PUT IN..... So now I am not only short one day but two because if you do not work the day before the holiday you do not get pay for the holiday.... See why I do not like to lie.
     But I had fun on my days off. I usually commute to the city which is about two hours everyday going and two coming and was very happy not getting up so early. Back to my days off. Saturday did nothing but clean. Sunday went to two church services and a barbeque. and Monday another barbeque.. Thought I would have had more rest but, busy me always on the go did not know when to quit and just stay still.
   There have been some storms and tornado watches around our area these past two weeks, nothing compare to that in Missouri... I still pray for them and I am petrify of the thought of something like that coming this way. See there are some states that are more use to certain natural storms and our state is not.. We are use to snowstorms. Give us 20 inches of snow in one day and we will survive. You will see all of us continue our day like itwas nothing going on outside and it was just another day in the neighborhood. Give us lots of rain , fog that we can not even see the trees ,lights or anything else outside and we can get around like nothing but, tornados and hurricanes no can do. We are not equipped for something like this.  I am afraid of all the danger it could cause. All the lost lives it will leave behind.
  On another note remember these forgotten virtues. HONOR, PURITY, LOYALTY, INTEGRITY AND GRATITUDE......... These things are forgotten in today's world. It is something that we should try to live by and most of us do not even know the meaning of half of these.  God bless you all and pray for me as I will pray for you. Till next time...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Walking in faith and not by sight...

   Hello my family in Christ. I hope that all of you are in strong and good health. I want to thank you for taking the time to read my post and tell you that I pray for you and love you because you chose to love me first. This is straight out of the bible where it states that we love God because he loves us first.....

   I had a good day at church on sunday. I have been attending this new church and it has been very uplifting. My kids actually like it and they have daycare services for the little ones. My grandaughter loves it by the way.... It has been hard to take her home because she does not want to leave. I guess she is playing with kids her age and they have a sorts of things for them to do.
  The segment that I have been attending this month at this church was called Masquerade. It had a different message that was given by this pastor every week.
                 Part 1 was Hiding from God. It shows how we all try to hide from God but do not realize he sees all. In the bible in the book of Genesis, it was known that Adam and Eve hid from God after they ate from the apple. When God called Adam he was hiding behind the bushes because he was ashamed. I believe he was regretful of what he had done and not so much the fact that now he has realized that he was naked.
                Part. 2 Self Deception:  I am number one for this. In life when someone asks us how are we doing we tend to pretend everything is ok. Even to ourselves.I have a bad habit of not admitting to anyone when things are going wrong.  There was a saying and it reads " Th longer we view ourselves through a distorted lens, the more likely we are to believe a distorted truth"....
 Easy way out of self deception read Psalm 139 :23-24... It reads per the KJV bible "Search me o' God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Second Listen to others and listen to God as he speaks to you through the Holy spirit. And three change your way. Confess to yourself that everything really is not alright. Ask others to pray for you. You do not have to tell anyone your personal business but you can ask someone to just pray for you for strength.
              Part 3: Hiding your sins..... This was one of my favorite part of the 5 part series. We all believe that just because we did not get caught doing something , we can hide that sin. When we sin we only have to choices. One is to conceal our sin and the second is to confess our sin. Remember in Proverbs 28:13 it reads that He that coverth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.  We also read in Psalm 51 where King David was discover for commiting adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband killed so that they can hide that sin that they had committed. He wrote this Psalm to God asking for mercy and forgiveness, and it reads " Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.
 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. " It does not matter when you sin as long as you confess to God and ask for strengthening.

 I will continue with the rest on my next blog. But it is meaningful to me and I just wanted to share this with you. Hope to write to you soon. God bless everyone.. Have a great day ...

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Joke for you

  I am so sorry that it has been so long since my last entry. I want to say that all , I hope that you have has a blessed month and the best in health. I do not know about all of you and were you live but here in Pennsylvania we are overwhelmed with lots of rain. I am just grateful that we are not flooded like those other states. It is such a tragedy to see. I just feel like I have to pray harder for these people that are loosing everything but as a true christian I believe that God will provide them with something better than they originally had.It's the blessing after the storm.
  On another note, I lost approximately 7 pounds (YEAAAAAAH).
Today is the 20th of May and about 22 years ago and 36 hours of labor later, I had a child. My first born daughter. She is 22 today. It is helping me see all the years that I have been under God's protection. Happy Birthday Jessie.

A Joke for All

   This is suppose to be a true story..."The Houston Herald Newspaper" in Houston, Texas, reported this

        Last thursady night around midnight , a woman from Houston, Texas was arrested, jailed and charged with manslaughter for shooting a man 6 times in the back as he was running away with her purse.
  The following Monday morning, the woman was called in front of the Arraignment Judge, Sworn in, and asked to explain her actions.
  The woman replied, " I was standing at the corner bus stop for about 15 minutes, waiting for the bus to take me home after work. I am a waitress at a local cafe.... I was there alone, so I had my right hand on my pistol that was in my purse, that was hung over my left shoulder.
  All of a sudden, I was being spun around hard to my left. As I caught my balance, I saw a man running away from me with my purse. I looked down at my right hand and I saw that my fingers were wrapped tightly around my pistol. The next thing I remember is saying out loud, " No way Punk! You're not stealing my paycheck and tips!" I raised my right hand, pointed my pistol at the man running away from me with my purse, and squeezed the trigger of my pistol six times.
   When asked by the Arraignment Judge, "Why did you shoot the man six times?"
The woman replied under oath, " Because , when I pulled the trigger the 7th time, it only went click."
 The woman was acquitted of all charges. She was back at work, at the cafe , the next day.
   Now That's Gun Control!!!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bible study among friends

  Hello to everyone and I hope that all your days are well. I want to thank my heavenly father for another wonderful opportunity to be able to fellowship with other friends. None of us go to the same church but we use to. We venture to different places. We had all started in the same teaching ministry but, found our way to different places to worship. Nonetheless, we found each other as friends and family and christ and were able to set up a day for our bible study. I had been wanting to have a bible study session amongst friends and finally we had one. I can tell you it was wonderful.I have to thank my God for allowing this to happen. We had been trying to get together for quite some time. We all started off with a wonderful snack. Thank you Mother Mary ( no she is not a nun) for allowing us to have our studies in your home. It was wonderful and for feeding us and treating us like family.
 We statred reading from the begginning. Genesis chapter 1-4. We had review how wonderful our lord made our world . We also took in acknowledgement that in biblical times our day actually statred at night for in Genesis 1:5 it say and I quote " and God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And  the evening and and the morning were the first day. This indicated to us and our searching that the days as we know it actually were man made clocks and not biblical. Reason for our conclusion.
I am so looking foward to next weeks bible study. I pray that we get just as much insight as we did last week. Until then be safe ,be blessed ,and be humble .

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Happy 2nd Birthday Jenelle

 This is a beautiful day. Today I celebrated Jenelle's birthday. I have not had a party for a child in so long , I had forgotten how tired it can make you.

My beautiful angel of a grandaughter that I was blessed with. 

    I thank the Lord everyday that I am around to help in raising my grandaughter. Although my daughter those the best that she can and tries very hard, there is always something that we forget. So I am lucky and blessed to be here for her and able to help with all aspects of my granchild up bringing.
    It is a lot of work and time and patience. God knows patience. 
This weekend was a little gathering for this precious grandchild and it was very tiresome. It has been so long since I had a gathering for a child. Now I see why . It felt like a tornado was about to approach and no matter how you thought you had prepared for it , it just was not good enough to handle the storm. Kids are just naturally hyper and I guess I am getting old.It was a great time had by all. We had attempted to grill outside and immediately had took notice that the weather was not going to let us so we had to take the outside grilling , inside. We cooked and finish grilling. Thank goodness for the foreman grill and the griddle. Everything was made in no time . We all ate and rested while the kids played and then it was time for the pinata. let's just say OMG. Confetti everywhere. Kids sliding and my grandaughter in the middle trying to taste confetti. Then we cut this huge cake...Bye- bye diet..
But she is worth it. God bless you...

Try this new website that I have found for you.....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My grandaughters 2nd Birthday.............

    Thank you Lord for this special day and for blessing us with another day on this earth.
A Newborn

At 1 year old...

Today is my grandaughters 2nd birthday. I can not believe how fast time is going by. She is so sweet. In a year she has mature so much. Just to think next year she is going to start head start. On sat. we will have a gathering for her little friends can come and enjoy cake and some ice cream. I will include photos of what she looks like now at 2 on a later blog. God bless everyone and have a good night..

\Try this new website that I have found for you.....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do you see him????

                I am enclosing this link so that you can listen to this sermon that I heard today, if you have time. It was about these two guys walking down a road and a third man join them ,and they were so unfocus that the person that they were talking to was Jesus and they did not even know it. This was a very interesting story for me ,and so I kept hearing  the sermon and as I was listening  to the way the Pastor had explained it, and  it  made me realize that I can relate to these two gentlemen. I too sometimes do not see Jesus and therfore do not acknowledge that he is in my presence. In case you have time to read your bibles, the story came out of Luke chapter 24 13-54 and the reading of the word reads as follows:

13 And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

14 And they talked together of all these things which had happened.
15 And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.
16 But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.
17 And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?
18 And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answering said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days?
19 And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:
20 And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.
21 But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.
22 Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;
23 And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.
24 And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not.
25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:
26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?
27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
28 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.
29 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.
30 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.
31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.
32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,
34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.
35 And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.
36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.
38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.
41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?
42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.
43 And he took it, and did eat before them.
44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.
45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:
47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
48 And ye are witnesses of these things.
49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.
50 And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.
51 And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.
52 And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:
53 And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen

       Can I tell you that I do not go to this church . I have only been here twice. I just  happened to register to get free emails from them and today I was checking my emails and I received a newsletter from them. So I read it and decided to listen to the sermon this past sunday. Their website is http://www.innovationlife.org/  and go to media. All this Pastor's sermons are place in this audio and you can even watch the sermon if you want to. I thought what a wonderful way to spread the message of Jesus.

Try this new website that I have found for you.....

What a beautiful day?????

 OMG.... Yes what a beautiful day.. Thank you lord for all your days but, thanks for this day specially because it was just perfect. No rain , mid 70's a little breezy and sunny. Not muggy. Just perfect. Gotta love it. Now if only all our days are like this would be so great.
  On another note, I hardly ever get to enjoy the day. With work and all it's hard to see days like this unless I request off or call out. Hopefully this summer will stay around for a little while.
Today I miss out on girls night out. It's a bunch of my friends and myself get together and go to the casino and eat and just hang out. I can not make it . It's like a big slumber party. Hope they have fun.

Weather is crazy and I hope whever you are , you are having a great day.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

What a beautiful Easter Day?????

Happy Easter Everyone.... Hope you had a wonderful day. I know I did. It has been raining all week and it's been cold here in Pennsylvania, but today may God be the glory it was warm and sunny. Isn't it like our father to choose the right day to shine his glory....

 I complained about the church I had went to on Friday because there was no morals as to what the day was about. The significance it has for us christians. When I say us christians, it simply means those who believe in Jesus Christ and that he came here to save us from our sins, so that through him we may have eternal life. I had to specify that because for some reason people have asked me what religion is that and I have had to explain. I have no religion preference. I am someone who is tired of believing in everything negative and chose to one day pick up the bible and started to go to church and realized that there is so much out there that I have yet to see. When you look at things in God's way , you see things so different. Everything is still the same but the way you handle things are so much different and therefore you get different outcome.
Now I must say , I wanted to apologize because I should not have been disappointed. After all we are only humans and are entitle to make mistakes. All of us have our way of expressing the love that we have for Jesus and I should not have judged the church for allowing mess to happen. I put man on a pedestal instead of gloryfying God even though there was so much not done right. After all that is why I was there for.

 Today I went to a church that I have gone to about three times before. I enjoy the Pastor sermons everytime I do go. We are just taking it slow because I am tired of going to churches that are only money hungry and spread there word and not the word that's in the bible. We had a great service and we had a feast afterwards. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and what we did that stood out for me was have communion. Most churches ahve communion only on the first sunday of the month, but this Pastor felt compelled to see that we take communion. This signifies the rememberance of Jesus and what he had done for us on the cross. This was a wonderful message to give today. I pray for you my friends and family in christ that your lives will be fulfilled......

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Friday .... What is wrong with the sermons at churches on this day?

    Hello everyone. I hope you are blessed today as you read and go about your day in the presence of the Lord. Let's start out with a prayer that I read and found it to be so inspiring to me....

          Lord Jesus, the presence of your mother at the cross engages my heart. You are no longer only the Savior dying for the sins of the world. You are also a fully human man, a son with a mother.

O Lord, how can I begin to thank you for what you suffered? My words fall short. My thoughts seem superficial and vague. Nevertheless, I offer my sincere gratitude for your suffering. Thank you for bearing my sin on the cross. I give you my praise, my love, my heart . . . all that I am, because you have given me all that you are.
All praise be to you, Lord Jesus, fully God and fully human, Savior of the world . . . my Savior!

   I had went to a church service on Good friday. I was not very please with what I was hearing. At all.
I do not know about you , but it has taking me almost my whole life to come to terms that I owe my whole life to my living God and the Saviour Jesus Christ that hung on that cross for me. Through him I am allow to still reach the kingdom . With all that said , the passion that a church should have for this special day that we chose to remember and embrace as the day that Jesus died on that cross, should be full of life and hapiness and rejoicing. Something like thanksgiving for life and a second chance of life...This was the day that our jesus died for the sins of the world .It makes sense that the first word of Jesus from the cross is a word of forgiveness. That’s the point of the cross, after all. Jesus is dying so that we might be forgiven for our sins, so that we might be reconciled to God for eternity.
  Now when you go to a church you think that this celebration is going to bring such joy. As I anticipated such a great service for the evening, I couldn't wait to get there. I got dress and headed my way to a church. The church that I initially wanted to go was unfortunately close, so I went to another. I think I sat for about half an hour out of a three hour service. That's how unhappy I was . It was like it was a dead church. No one was uplifting no one was prepared to do the last seven words of christ and the services was just chaotic...All I can do is pray. Ask God to forgive us for how we are remembering why christ die. To think that this is what we are teaching our children..
Everyday our world gets worst. Just pray as much as much you can, our future need it.....                                     

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

A joke for you.....

God bless us all as we are in a Holy week of passover.

  I want to talk a little bit about marriage today. Give me opinions if you like. I encourage and I like to see what other people think. As a woman who has been married for nearly 20 years, you tend to have gone through a lot.  Saying that I believe in the bible. Let me explain. I made a covenant (contract) in front of God to be married through sickness and good health, for rich and for poorer until death do us part. I never promise these things to my husband. I promised them to the lord. He is who I truly put in front of my home so that I have the strength to deal with all that is coming my way..... And it usually is a lot....lol
  Being this said, I have always seen myself as a very opinionated  woman with my own vision as to how a marriage should be. I believe in order to be respected by your spouse, you need to respect him first. Do not give him a reason to have an upper hand on you... If I yell first , I am just invited him to yell as well. If I argue first , then I am just invited him to argue.... etc, etc,,,.... It's like opening the door to the devil. I am in no means trying to tell you to be a wuss... But all you do has to be judged by God... Jesus came and die for the remission of our sins and because of this fact is why you need to be very careful how you address issues in your marriage. Everything you do is consider in the day when we are to be resurrected in the new Heaven...Why on earth would you allow anyone even your husband to let you stray from your crown of glory.
    There are so many times that I have wanted to just pack up and go but, as I attempted todo so, something always held be back and instead, I choose to read my bible and pray for forgiveness and understanding and best of all wisdom to deal with the cituation at hand that was causing me to want to leave in the first place.You can only save yourself. No matter how hard you try, your spouse has to want to be in God's presence for his blessing. We all do not get our blessing together . All we can do is pray for one another....As a woman we are built to deal with a lot. Our bodies are physically stronger and our minds even better. Our abilities to fix any problem that comes your way is a gift from God. Do not think that you are all that and a bag of chips, although we are all perfect in God's eyes. To say that you are not perfect is like saying God is a liar. Your choices and decisions are not perfect but you as an individual are perfect cause we are all made through the vision of our lord .Do not ever doubt yourself. Your spouse no matter how negative he can be can never put you down or make you feel like crap because you are perfect and you father up above loves you.
    I had been married before, I was in an abusive relationship that I stayed in because I misunderstood what marriage was about. I had never read the bible before therefore I was being mistreated very badly and in return I was mistreating an individual as well. I had a way out. You know when it is a blessing when you leave the transition is smooth. No fights , no arguments . Everything is there for you. A job, a home, and your family.... The most important thing... My kids were always my strength. I thank god for them. Without them I would not have seen the light . Who knows I might have been dead by now, so I thank God for saving me.
Allowing me to find a husband whom I can respect and love dearly .

 Here is a joke after all this seriousness...
" If you Marry a Pennsylvania Girl..."

       Three friends married women from different parts of the country.

   The first man married a woman from Utah. He told her that she was to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day, he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away.
  The second man married a woman from Louisiana. He gave his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and cooking. The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day he say his house was clean, the dishes were done and there was a huge dinner on the table.
 The third man married a girl from Pennsylvania. He ordered her to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but the third day, some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye, and his arm was healed enough that he could fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher. He still has some difficulties when he pees...

    I thought this was funny condisidering I am from Pennsylvania.....

 Have a bless day and thanks for reading....

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Good Friday and what it means to me....

Sorry I have not written in forever....  
      Hello everyone. I hope all is well with good health and good spirits. I know that you are all doing fine . My faith tells me so. We are not all perfect but, we are doing just fine. I have been overwelm with stuff and have not had time to write anything.
   Tommorow is Good Friday. A very touchy subject for me to even speak about without getting tear -eyed. The closer I seek God by reading the bible the more I can see what was going on at this time. The thought of all the cruelness that we as people were able to show and enforced on a person just does not make sense to me. Never mind the fact that this man "JESUS CHRIST" that walk the earth healing the sick, casting out demons. A man about peace and love and repentance. A man that came here to give us an opportunity to see that there is another way of living life. Not the sinful lives that we were showing at that time and even now.So I am enclosing in respect to Jesus Christ his crucifiction ...... his death as foretold by previous prophets.
    This comes out of the KING JAMES VERSION of the bible.
                                  Matthew 27: 35-54

35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots.

36 And sitting down they watched him there;
37 And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
38 Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left.
39 And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads,
40 And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest [it] in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.
41 Likewise also the chief priests mocking [him], with the scribes and elders, said,
42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.
43 He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God.
44 The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth.
45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
47 Some of them that stood there, when they heard [that], said, This [man] calleth for Elias.
48 And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled [it] with vinegar, and put [it] on a reed, and gave him to drink.
49 The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him.
50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose
53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.

Thank you Jesus for dieing for my sins. Thank you , because of you I am able to repent.  Because of you I am able to live.... Even in this sinful world..

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