Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good Friday

I had the best time listening to my fellow brothers and sisters give the words of the lord with such conviction. For all of those who read my blog and don't know much about me, I go to a church that teaches the bible very thoroughly and allows us to do assignments like minituare sermons. We get a scripture or a person from the bible and elaborate on what we feel has happen or took place at this specific time. I have gotten so much closer to my spiritual side that I do not anger as much as I use to and have more peace in my life. I do not let things get to me and no matter what happens in my life, I just have to remember that Jesus walk the cross to his death and never complain and pick us to die for. There is nothing else that I can endure that would take the place of that. So no matter how bad it is, our choice makes a big difference. Jesus chose us so that we can be saved. If you do not understand what I mean, read from the King James Version of the bible in Numbers 16:20-36

Happy Easter

"Today is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it".
This song was sang in almost all churches today.. Let's remember that today Jesus our saviour resurrected and rose from the dead as prophesized by the prophets in our Old testament. I just want to say "Thank You Jesus" for hanging on that cross and dieing for me and for the sins of all mankind. We do not deserve a blessing like that and on behalf of the world I just want to thank you... Happy Easter

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