Thursday, February 16, 2012

Willing to Wait ....

Good evening to all my brothers and sisters... Today although I had some bad news , I am still being blessed through our heavenly fathers mercy... I pray for this nation and it's direction that it's going and I pray mostly for our children that they are able to receive Jesus in their lives... Everytime I look around , we take God out of everything we do... I am so surprise it is still being printed in the money we use..
As I had told you I had received not so good news, and with my not so good news I also received this booklet in my mail. It was a pamphlet that was sent to me by the "In Touch Ministries"... The beginning of it started out by reading Waiting on God... I just sighed.
I have such a problem with waiting. My patience is something  I have been working on. Normally I am the type of person that wants things right away. I have change a lot but I am still a working progress. I pray almost everyday to help me with this and  its been working so far. Today was truly a test of time for me so I know that my prayers are being answered...
    The phamplet stated the power of patience...I am going to quote you some of what it said because I think that this is how we feel...
  " From the mundane to the profound moments of our lives-- from waiting on traffic lights and elevators to the end of suffering  or the fulfillment of dreams-- life gives us no choice but to wait. Yet patience is becoming a rare quality in today's world. How often do we complain when something doesn't happen on the schedulewe have in mind, or when some unforseen obstacle prevents us from moving foward?
  For those of us who call upon the name of Jesus, patience is a characteristic we should cultivate. No one is born with it --just look at a new born baby! Rather, patience is fruit, which is developed over time(Gal. 5:22-23). Without it we'll never become the people God desires us to be or achieve what he's planned for us to do."
It goes on to say a lot more which I'll share with you tommorow. I just don't want to drag this blog ....
Pray for me as I will pray for you... God Bless and thanks for taking the time to share some thoughts with me...

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