First thank you Lord for another week of me being able to yell and scream and complain as only I can do best. Have had a crazy couple of days but, through the glorious power of my heavenly father , whom keeps me and the faith that I truly have in him, I am able to sigh....
Now where do I begin. Maybe i'll go backwards. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew ELIJAH. He turn 16 this past Sunday. Time has past me by. You know the signs were there. You would think that after having 3 girls that are all over the age of 18 and one son that is almost there. Like 9 months away might have given me a hint. Or better yet , two grandaughters that both are old enough to call me grandma, would be a even bigger hint but the truth of the matter is that since I am so use to them, things just seem normal. However, going to my sister's to celebrate my nephews birthday and seeing all my nieces and nephews, made me really feel old. As they were all having margaritas, and sharing laughs I had realized that not to long ago, it was us having the margaritas. You see it has been a long time that I have gone to one of my family's gatherings. My nieces and nephews range from 27 being the oldest to 20 being the youngest. Then there are those that are still left to turn 18. Which are my son and my nephew. Good luck to me.....
It was all fun.... Some of my nieces came from Ecuador and we just sat around and talk about my family. I have not seen them in years. Which brings me to my next dilema. I have been looking for flights to Ecuador . My father requested to see us. I mean my husband and me. I have to try to find flights that are affordable and right now it is a bad time. I have not seen my father for over 4 years. I truly miss him. More so than my mother. Him and I are very close. I think that I miss my best friend which is what he was to me. I felt like I have lost my father. He moved years ago back to his country. He resides in Ecuador. He lived in the states for years and when he retired his doctor told him he needed to go some place warm. He did not want to be like the rest of his family and end up in Florida so he chose to go back to his country. This is the reason I can not just go in my car and take a drive to see them. I truly miss him. I just saw a picture that my sister has posted on facebook and I started to cry...
Pray for my strength and hope that I can find a flight that I can afford.....
Try this new website that I have found for you.....