Wednesday, October 14, 2009

what is a preacher part 2

The personality of the preacher has very much to do with the effectiveness of his message. A preachers sermon should be a part of himself; indeed, it must be the expression of his very life and experience. If such is not the case, then what they call preaching will be nothing but " sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal".Personality counts in preaching the experience of the truth must be in the preacher himself before he or she can proclaim it with convicting force in and through the sermon. If your preacher is a man or a woman with experience of the truth in them- you will find that very little else is needed to set free the sermon in him or her. A preacher must not be an imitator. Every person has their own unique voice, face and style. Each man has his own individuality to stamp on the work which God has given him or her to do . The preacher should always be himself or herself, his/her best self consecrated self, his or her highest self. In so doing he/she will best prove their sincerity, honor his/her people to whom they minister to. A preacher nor a pastor should not wait until the day they are to preach and then expect to give us something to preach. Remember Timothy2 :15

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