Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's our Anniversary.....

  Hello everyone. I want to thank my heavenly father for another wonderful day on this earth....
Guess what... It's our Anniversary... 18 years.. 
Here we are at Mt. Airy Casino and Resort. Gorgeous place...
We really enjoyed ourselves...

 Many years ago, I met my husband and never in a million years did I think that I would be so blessed to have shared so many different memories with him. We always measure blessings in the things that we have and the things we feel accomplished but the reality is that my biggest blessing was sharing my life with a man who is father to my children, friend to me and my roommate at home.. I thank the Lord everyday for giving me a partner that has been able to be there for me through the good and has been there for the bad. That is one of my biggest gift from God. And with this man I was able to receive my other gifts , my family. I have 3 beautiful daughters and 1 son. We have 2 granddaughters and 1 grandson on the way...
What else can I so selfishly ask for...

There is a song that says:
 " I had some good days, I've had some hills to climb,
 I've had some weary days and some sleepless nights, 
but when I , when I look around and I think things over, 
some of my good days out weigh my bad days and I ,
I wont complain...
sometimes the clouds hang low, I can hardly see the road,
I ask a question Lord, why so much pain,
but he knows whats best for me 
although my weary eyes, they cant see
so I just say thank you Lord, Thank you Lord,
 I won't complain.."

Today on a spiritual note, I heard an inspirational sermon from Pastor Joseph Prince, I thought I shared....
Convince Yourself, Not God
Mark 5:28
For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.”

With a crowd thronging Him, Jesus was touched by a lot of people that day (Mark 5:31), but only the touch of one woman drew a response from Him. And her touch sparked off instant healing in her body, releasing her from a sickness that had plagued her for 12 years.

Do you want to know how to touch God and receive the miracle you need?

When the woman heard that Jesus was coming by her village, she said to herself, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” On her way to see Jesus, she probably told herself many times, “If I touch His clothes, I will be healed. I will be made whole.” We don’t know how long she had been saying that to herself, but she was convinced that Jesus would heal her.

If you are sick, convince yourself that Jesus is your healer and that by His stripes you are healed. You don’t need to convince God. He is not the one who needs to be persuaded because His blessing is already on you! It isyou who needs to be persuaded that God has already given you your miracle. That is the reason you confess His Word — to convince yourself, not God, to persuade your heart, not His.

Some people confess their faith to others to convince God indirectly. For example, if they are believing God for healing, they go around telling their friends, “I am believing God for healing.” They are actually trying to convince or persuade God to heal them. They are telling God, “I’ve told so many people what I am believing You for. It would be very embarrassing if You don’t make it happen.” Their confession proceeds from unbelief and is used to manipulate God.

It is okay to tell others if you want to, so that they can stand in faith with you for your miracle. But don’t do it to prove your faith to God and to convince Him. You just need to convince yourself that God loves you and delights in blessing you. Just say to yourself, “By His stripes I am healed. I will not suffer lack. I am greatly blessed, highly favored, deeply loved!” And let God take care of the rest.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2009

 I have been listening to this Pastor and his sermons are wonderful... Just wanted to share.... Hope you have a wonderful evening , blessed and prosperous...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hello to all. It's Ash WEDNESDAY... I hope you had time to go to church.... For those of you who know ash wednesday but do not really understand what it means :::::::

     Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fastingrepentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. During some Ash Wednesday services, the minister will lightly rub the sign of the cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers.
     The Bible does not mention Ash Wednesday or the custom of Lent, however, the practice of repentance and mourning in ashes is found in 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21.

Most people do not eat meat. This is very easy for me... I have adapted this new theory. I believe that you should sacrifice something that you feel you have to have. Like something that you are addicted too.My addiction is sweets. As I am typing , I am craving so bad a piece of chocolate or candy... I did not eat meat.. So for the next 40 days , I have made a commitment to skip chocolates and meat... I will eat fish, sardines etc..
I have so much to be greatful for. After all that Jesus Christ has done for me to, repent and fast is a small token of my appreciation for all the sacrifice he has done for me....
I pray for strength and wisdom and hope that I gain a little stronger faith..I hope that you do well in your sacrifice and do know that it means the world to your Heavenly father..
I hate to admit but, I am afraid of trying new things... So I was at home this Sunday.. Did not go to church. I was changing the channel and wanted to listen to the ministries that I normally do when I do not physically go to church. As I change the channel, I had the honor of listening to this particular Pastor. I have to be honest, I was seconds from changing the channel but something kept me from doing this.I was blessed with such a sermon and I was  revive and full of spirit. The Pastor's name was Joseph Prince... He is really great... The link to his website
This is a Daily Grace Inspirational Devotion for the day from his site...

Having All Things Added To You
Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

You are probably a responsible person who is concerned about providing well for your family — making sure that there is food on the table, money for the children’s needs, comfort and education, and so on.

What does God have to say to us about these legitimate concerns? According to Matthew 6:31, He tells us, “Do not worry.” Now, He is not saying that we don’t need all these things because in the same portion of scripture He says, “For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” (Matthew 6:32)

So God cares about us having these things. He wants us to have all these things. In fact, He wants all these things added to us. And He tells us that the way these things are added to us is by us seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Therefore, our number one priority every day is to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. It is not to seek to add these things to ourselves.

But what is righteousness? Righteousness is not right behavior. It is right standing with the Father. It is the clearance of all your guilt, which makes you able to stand before God. It is not something you get through right behavior. It is a gift from God. Paul calls it “the gift of righteousness”. (Romans 5:17) And to “seek” this gift is to be conscious of the fact that you have it, to confess that you are righteous in Christ.

So this righteousness we are told to seek is not right behavior, but right standing before God, which comes to us as a gift when we receive salvation. At the cross, Jesus didn’t just remove our sins, He also gave us His righteousness so that today, we can come boldly before the throne of God and receive freely everything that He died to give us!

Today, if you want to provide your family with the good things in life, be assured that your heavenly Father knows that you need these things. Just seek His righteousness, not your own righteousness, and “all these things shall be added to you”!

Friday, February 17, 2012

" The Power Patience"

Patience is essential for every aspect of  life.....
Delays.. God wants us to respond with calm acceptance to moments and seasons of waiting, while trusting in His sovereignty over every situation. Though the delay may seem annoying and senseless , the Lord uses these times to mature us. One of the first lessons a young child learn is how to wait. And our displays of irritation and anger are really just adult versions of childish tantrums. Each time you feel impatience rise up in your heart, remember that this is an opportunity to choose a mature response instead of acting like a spiritual toddler.....

     The Secret Strength of Waiting for God

Read Isaiah 40
In this prophecy of Isaiah, the Lord speaks comfort to his people against backdrop of suffering and exile. Likewise, we often feel weak and alone in times of waiting. Yet this passage reveals the incomparable power and love of God- and the life He offers to those who seek Him as their sole strength and desire..

 I wanted to share some of these things with you because the way things are going in this world today, we all need to hear  that things are going to change for the better as long as we pray together for our nations and we wait on God and stop trying to fix the things that we can not.....

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Willing to Wait ....

Good evening to all my brothers and sisters... Today although I had some bad news , I am still being blessed through our heavenly fathers mercy... I pray for this nation and it's direction that it's going and I pray mostly for our children that they are able to receive Jesus in their lives... Everytime I look around , we take God out of everything we do... I am so surprise it is still being printed in the money we use..
As I had told you I had received not so good news, and with my not so good news I also received this booklet in my mail. It was a pamphlet that was sent to me by the "In Touch Ministries"... The beginning of it started out by reading Waiting on God... I just sighed.
I have such a problem with waiting. My patience is something  I have been working on. Normally I am the type of person that wants things right away. I have change a lot but I am still a working progress. I pray almost everyday to help me with this and  its been working so far. Today was truly a test of time for me so I know that my prayers are being answered...
    The phamplet stated the power of patience...I am going to quote you some of what it said because I think that this is how we feel...
  " From the mundane to the profound moments of our lives-- from waiting on traffic lights and elevators to the end of suffering  or the fulfillment of dreams-- life gives us no choice but to wait. Yet patience is becoming a rare quality in today's world. How often do we complain when something doesn't happen on the schedulewe have in mind, or when some unforseen obstacle prevents us from moving foward?
  For those of us who call upon the name of Jesus, patience is a characteristic we should cultivate. No one is born with it --just look at a new born baby! Rather, patience is fruit, which is developed over time(Gal. 5:22-23). Without it we'll never become the people God desires us to be or achieve what he's planned for us to do."
It goes on to say a lot more which I'll share with you tommorow. I just don't want to drag this blog ....
Pray for me as I will pray for you... God Bless and thanks for taking the time to share some thoughts with me...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A day of mourning...Black history month..

Our father which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven,
give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors 
and lead us not into tempataion ,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power and the glory
for ever
Matt 6: 9-13

I thought today I start my blog a little different. I was very overwhelmed last night when I heard over the news that a favorite singer of mine had past. I teared up a little. I had hoped that she would have found peace eventually and had gotten herself freed from the demons that drugs cause you . Whether prescriptioned drugs or street drugs. It all is the same to me.Whitney Houston is the singer I am referring to in case you did not hear the news. I am not speculating that drugs were a factor. It could have been a whole bunch of things but, this is what had brought such an iconic diva with the voice of an angel downhill. She was criticize and an easy target for mockery for her very well known disturbing behaviour. I can not even begin to understand how her family could be coping with this news right now. I just pray that their faith is strong enough to help them through this. It has sadden me because there are such few good singers left. If you had not her Whitney at her prime time click on the link below. It will take you to her singing the National Anthem. It was in 1991 at the prime of her career. This was the singer that I will remeber as one of the greatest voices of all time. Rest in Peace truly.......

As I was looking at what this month was chosen to signify, I realized that it was not about Valentine's Day but, for my son to remeber his heritage.It is black history month.  I am not an african-american. My husband is. So it is a little difficult at times to try to teach my son about what his race had to go through in life just to get him here to a place in time where he has so much opportunities. All the doors that have been opened for him because of the struggles. So I make it my business to educate myself all the time because unfortunately in school they only summarize one small month, what has taken years to accomplish. My family has always loved music and I must say all we ever played in my home was american music. Although I was born here in the United States, my parent are hispanic. I hardly ever play spanish music and hardly speak spanish. A big boo-boo of mine. My children would have benefit a lot from learning. I just never wanted to confuse them. It is hard enough to learn the things that are taught today. With all the new technology . I did not want  to burden them. Now they have to learn it in school. Being that said we all grew up with gospel and rand B . Also at the beginning of the 90's late 80's some hip-hop. Not that crap these kids have to listen to today. Not many choices available made to them today.I don't want to offend the musicians that we have today or even the listeners but, let's speak the truth...

On the beginning of the month , we lost Don Cornelius( mind my spelling plssss.)

A man that change television....

Then looking back at just last year, I notice all the musicians that we had lost as well,

Here is Nick Ashford from Ashford and Simpson,

Here is Heavy D... This was one of my favorite rappers when I was younger..

An unforgettable songstress...Ms. Etta James

Then I notice we also lost Clarence clemmons

For those who do not know who this saxophonist was, he played along side
 Bruce Springsteen....

I had taken notice how much musicians were lost last year and then I notice we lost Joe Frazier.
A boxing legend.. Wow

It was a bit much for me to go through. I just pray real hard that the people that have made such an impact in who we are today do not become forgotten... All these people had a purpose and they accomplished it... May God Bless their souls......

To take you off track here I read this in the magazine Black Enterprise...
The article talk about Women who behave like they are wealthy....
It asked to check to see if I was one of them.. I took the quick test... Lucky I did not pass...

It states...
Your purse costs $500, your smartphone costs $350, your wallet costs $200, your cosmetics cost $250...
You have more than a $1000 dollars on things you have purchased.. Your bag, smartphone, wallet and cosmetics but how much do you have in the bank?????
See the seven signs that tell you if you're a woman behaving wealthy or on your way to constantly broke at

Good luck...
Thank you for taking the time to spend with me...
May God Bless you and keep you...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's Saturday....

    I want to share a story with you today but first I want to say hello and hope all is well. Here in Pennsylvania, it decided to snow. We have about 3 inches so far. Not bad for our area but, enough to make a mess..It's been a long winter but not a bad one. Very strange weather we are having.....

      Today was full of goodbye for a good old co-worker of mine. This lady has work for the company for 45 years and it was a blessing to see that she was able to retired and still  be full of energy. I have known her for a good 10 years. When I first met her , I use to run away from her. She was very annoying to me. Let me tell you this much before I continue. I was not always a christian person. I never really wanted to hear anyone that preach Jesus. You see Ms. Eva, the lady that is retiring, is a born again christian. So everytime she use to stop me to talk, she always wanted to talk about church. At the time , I did not want to hear it. I was so stupid. When I finally found christ for myself, our conversations were so pleasureable. She has such a spirit about her and I had to ask God to forgive me for not listening before. I felt like I wasted so much time and knowledge that she could have given me. Now my angel is retiring. Although it is a much needed rest that she is going to receive, her main focus is to go work at the church that she has volunteer for so long. Now she is excited about the thought that she will be able to give her time to the church and get more involve. She is going to serve the lord. I am so happy for her. May God bless this woman of God and may she accomplish what her heart desires the most and that's to be able to do the lords work .

     A stupid Joke...
   College kids vs. Bums

Two college students, Frank and Matt are riding on a New York City subway when a beggar approaches them asking for spare change.
Frank adamantly rejects the man in disgust.
Matt, on the other hand, whips out his wallet, pulls out a couple of dollar bills and gladly hands them over to the beggar with a smile.
The beggar thanks him kindly and then continues on to the other passengers. Frank is outraged by his friend's act of generosity.
"What on earth did you do that for shouts Frank. " You know he's only going to use it on drugs or booze!!"
Matt replies, " What....and we weren't?"

 It's saturday . Sad to say i'm glad the day is over. I had a long day at work and a long ride home...
  Yesterday I shared a ladies drink... And today it's no different. I want to share another drink.. It's called the Grasshopper....
1 shot green creme de menthe
1 shot white creme de cacao
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
fresh mint sprig and whipped cream

Place creme de menthe, creme de cacao and ice cream into a blender. Blend until thick and creamy. Pour into 12 ounce glass. Garnish with whipped cream and a sprig of mint...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Today has a sharing aspect...

Today I want to start by thanking my lord for another day on this earth and the strength that I needed to see it through...
I was off of work today. Thought I would sleep in all day and just be lazy. I really need a good old lazy day. The kind of day that you do not even get out of bed and eat. I was watching my grandaughter today. No sleep no rest and definetly no time to be lazy... Although she is my shining star, she works me tirelessly. I become so exhausted that I feel like I need a day off right after. She has so much energy and drags me along with her. We watch the wizard of oz today. It has been a movie she has gotten addicted to. I must say I have always loved that movie. It reminds me of a time when life was so simple...

SO what are you doing for Valentines Day..
 After being with my husband 20 years, Valentines day for us becomes everyday. Everyday we are together , iyts a reason to celebrate in my eyes. I have witness the year of 2011 go through a lot of break ups and so it has become a blessing that my husband and myself share, to be able to be together after so many years and still be giddy about each other. Since I was in the sharing mood I wanted to share with you my favorite drink... Maybe you can tried it with your valentine meal or as a catnap...
   I found it in the Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade cooking 3 edition. It's called Golden Cadillac.
  The recipe goes as follows
       1/2 shot herbal liquer(Galliano)
       1/2 shot orange liquer( Grand Marnier)
       1 shot white creme de cacao
       2 scoops  vanilla ice cream
      splash orange juice
         Top with whipped cream......
Place all ingredients, except whipped cream, in a blender. Blend until thick and creamy. Pour into a 12 0unce glass and top with whipped cream (optional)....
I also slice an orange and decorate my glass with it...
 I feel so cool and sophisticated when I have one of these. The prroblem is since they are like milkshake I tend to drink pretty fast and end up a little to intoxicated before I know... As you see I am not a big drinker...
      Thanks for sharing some of your time with me and may God Bless you today , tommorow and always...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


  Good evening to all. Thank you to our father in heaven who loves and guides us everyday. Thanks for everything ...
     Now I just want to share a few things of my life that are taking place as we speak... First my grandaughter below is growing so fast right in front of my eyes..Look for yourself

Here she is refusing to take a picture. Giving grandma a hard time. As usual... but, I love her so..
In this picture she is a the Drs. office

   Now can you believe she is almost three years old.... Where did the time go???
I am just so greatful to be able to be such a big part of her life. I have an opportunity to give her things that I could not do with my kids. My daughter is doing a beautiful job in raising her. I have to give her kudos because I do not know if I ever shared that she is basically raising her alone.My grandaughters father is not in the picture and therefore all the troubles and responsibility is left to my daughter to do. She is the mom and dad so for that I must say job well done..It is not easy in today's age to stay positive and storng ...
   I have been working on remodeling little things around my house. I am actually trying to set goals . I have a horrible habit of starting projects and not finishing them... This year is the year for all unfinished projects to be finished.. Wish me luck.. I know my husband is tired of my renovations that I never
 Let me share some pics..

My dining room.. Needs a knew china cabinet a new light fixture and not to mention a new floor. It has carpet... SO want hardwood floor.... But my theme is consistent. I am into browns and tans.....
Need new window treatments (curtains). This is my living room... Another working progress . Need to paint.
If you can give any ideas all is appreciated....I have become desperate. I am determined that this is the year for completion in my life. See you tommorow and as always may God bless you,,,,...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Solitary Life

    Hello everyone. I hope that as you read this it finds you in great health and good spirit. As for me always blessed no matter what goes on in my life.. Fanily is great and all are healthy. Can't ask for more than that.
   The other day as I was commuting on my bus, I decided to read a book that I had in my closet for a while just never picked it up. As I read through it , I discover a lot of big name people like, Rockefeller, Hershey, Woolworth and Heinz were big christian believers and givers. They donated a lot to their churches.... As I went through the stories I ran into one that actually had me in tears. ( Really in tears ,,, no lie) You can say I am very emotional at times... We measure greatness by the things that we have and the things we accomplish. What impact are we really doing for society to remember us by... If you leave this earth today , what would your eulogy sound like... What will people say about the kind of person that you were??? I had to research this for myself and examine the kind of person that I am and the one I want to be remember as. With all that being said I want to share with you one specific story about a person who has a left a big difference in this life......

           "One Solitary Life"
 He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another village, where he worked in a carpenter's shop until he was thirty. Then for three years he was an itinerant preacher.
He never wrote a book. He never held office. He never had a family or owned a house. He didn't go to college. He never visited a big city. He never travelled two hundred miles from the place he was born.
He did none of the things one usually associates with greatness. He had no credentials but himself.
He was only thirty-three when the tide of public opinion turned against him. His friends ran away.
He was turned over to his enemies and went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed to a cross between twon thieves. While he was dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing, the only property  he had on earth. When he was dead, he was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend..
Nineteen centuries have come and gone, and today he is the central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind's progress,
All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned put together, have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that one solitary life.......         Jesus Christ

Family Photos

