Monday, March 12, 2012

Reuniting the grandkids

 Well hello,,,
       I hope all is well in your lake of the woods. This weekend I went to Virginia with my husband and my youngest grandaughter, Je'nelle. We had hope that while we were visiting our daughter would have gave birth to our grandson since, she was in the hospital all weekend long with labor pains but , the baby was just not ready to make his way to this earth. We manage to pick up our oldest grandaughter , Kamari, and kept her with us. Needless to say how exicted my youngest grandaughter was to see her cousin.
Jenelle and Kamari..

Jenelle is not use to having all her cousins around her. She is an only child and all my nieces and nephews live in between New york and Virginia. This was very special to her and to be able to spend a weekend with her them meant so much to her. 
My original visit was to go to my grandma's gravsite. As you may or may not know, my grandma had past a few months back. I decided that I would go and visit her gravesite. It was a bit rough but , I believe that we will all meet again one day and I know she is better off than she was here. No more pain or suffering... Just peaceful sleep until our time to rise up...
Hopefully the next time I write , I would have a new edition to our family... 
My grandaughter Kamari and my nephew Mekhi

My grandaughter Je'nelle  and my niece Essynce..


Sunday, March 4, 2012



I want to start my blog as I always do by thanking my heavenly father for all he is and in the name of Jesus I want to pray for all those states that are being affected by these storms... I want prayer for these surviving family members that not only do they need to put their homes and lives back together but also have to mourn the lost of their love ones....
    I saw in the news that a little girl they found lost her life today... Her family had died in their mobile home. I would like to believe that she has went up to heaven and join the rest of her siblings.... .. This tragedy is just one of the stories we are hearing about...
   I ask myself what is in my heart today. There is so much sadness around the world today , you can help but be sad . I have always try to find the good in a tragedy but, this is a bit much....I found this so I thought I share..

                                 What Is On Your Heart?   
Hebrews 8:10

10“… I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts…”

Many of us have been taught that we cannot trust our hearts. We quote verses like “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked…” (Jeremiah 17:9), not knowing that Jeremiah was referring to the man who had not received Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
But the desire comes from my heart. How do I know if it is of God?”
My friend, once you are saved, you have a brand new heart (Ezekiel 36:26), and you can trust the promptings of your heart because God dwells in you and He leads you from within. And don’t worry because His promptings will never contradict His Word. It will lead you to good success.
Often, you find that when you follow your inner promptings, it is actually God who has put those desires in your mind and written them on your heart. I remember years ago when I approached one of our church leaders and told him, “I really think that you are called to be a full-time pastor.” It turned out to be a confirmation of what he already knew on the inside. You see, God was already leading him from within. Today, he is one of our full-time pastors.

If you enjoy something and desire to do it, then go for it! Go with the flow. God Himself says that He will guide us from within. Let’s not doubt Him. And don’t worry about the outcome. Your part is just to follow the flow. God’s part is to work in you both the willingness and the performance of it! (Philippians 2:13)
Beloved, because God has given you a new heart, He will write His desires on it. And as you fulfill these desires, you will bring forth fruit, and not wither and die. Whatever you do will prosper!

It's been quite a while since I have read my town's paper... I found a joke I wanted to share....

A young boy had just gotten his driver's license and inquired of his mother, an evangelist , if they could discuss the use of the car.
His mother said, " I'll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up from C to a B average, study your Bible a little, get your hair cut and we'll talk about the car."

Well, the boy thought about that for a moment , decided that he'd settle for the offer and they agreed on it.
After about six weeks, they went into the study, where his mother said, " Son I've been real proud . You've brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible and participating a lot more in the Bible study groups. However, I'm disappointed since you haven't gotten your hair cut. "

The young man paused a moment and then said, "You know, Mom, I've been thinking about that. I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair and there's even a strong argument that Jesus had long hair also."

To this, his mother replied, " Did you also notice that they walked everywhere they went?"

Remember I just read the jokes........ and share...
      Have a great day..

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hello my dearest friends... Many blessings to you and your family...
 I want to share this inspirational message with you ........
              Covered, Protected, Delivered
Exodus 13:21
21And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night.

When the children of Israel were wandering in the desert, God led them by going before them in a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.

By day, God spread the pillar of cloud as a covering over His people in the desert to prevent the scorching sun from striking them down. The people were shaded and kept cool. Today, you are also under His covering. He will not allow you to be struck down (Psalm 121:3–8), nor be oppressed by the “heat” of the day. (Isaiah 54:14)

At night, when the desert became dark and cold, God gave His people the pillar of fire to light the way for them, as well as to keep them warm and safe. Today, as you walk with God, you will not be overwhelmed by the cold, dark places in life because God’s Word says, “You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.” (1 Thessalonians 5:5) You will not fear the terror by night or the pestilence that walks in darkness because God will deliver you from them. (Psalm 91:5–6)

Like the children of Israel, who only needed to look up, and keep their eyes on the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire, all you need to do today is to look up and keep your eyes on Jesus. When you need His direction for a situation, look to Jesus who has the words of eternal life. (John 6:68) When you see symptoms of sickness in your body, look to Jesus who has borne away every disease and physical affliction. (Matthew 8:17)

When the children of Israel were bitten by serpents in the desert, God told Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole — a picture of Christ being judged on the cross. (John 3:14) Those who looked at the bronze serpent instead of their wounds were healed. (Numbers 21:9) He who looks to Jesus lives!

Beloved, look to Jesus. He is your covering, protection and deliverance!

        As I read this I was thinking of all the things that has happen around the world.. All these tornadoes and storms... I can only pray and ask God to cover those people that were effected by such tragedies..I ask that if you have time while you pray for you and your family that you add a little prayer for them who suffer more..

Family Photos

