Monday, January 31, 2011

Work on Mondays

.Good morning, hope you had a great weekend. For me it makes no difference because I work on Saturdays. Needless to say the Sunday was beautiful but cold....
I am at work now. I hate mondays. It feels like the day drags...I have been here since 6 in the morning. So right about now I want to be home. People are just browsing staying out of the cold.
I have big problem today that I want to get off my chest. I think I am going to do a community chat about it on my blogfrog. So dont forget to visit me..
My problem is with men or women who feel they have to make the child feel like a burden just because they have to pay child support. Why as an absent parent do you find the need to talk financial support with your child and not the custodial parent? I am a very understanding parent, I know that people have bills and all that, but no one told you to have kids that you can not support. My two daughters were from a previous marriage and there father decided to remarry and have more kids. Then he got divorce and had more kids from another girl. So why should my children that were born first have to wait until they are 21 and 19 to see a few dollars here and there from there father. No one told him to quit paying child support and run to another state. I guess he thought the debt will disappear like wrong
Thats the beauty about the child support office. They will find you. I hope none of you have to deal with this and I can help but feel bad about my mistake for not choosing a better father for my children. Now for the rest of their lives they have to feel like a burden. I hope they now I love them and truly that is what matters. I found a good man that help me with them. He provided and was their daddy. I know it bothers my girls to know that their father really did not care for them. I just pray that they heal in time.....
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Friday, January 28, 2011

Wish it stop snowing already...

Hi, all I hope its mot snowing were you are at. I live in Pennsylvania by the Pocono Mountains so i'm use to the snow, but I work in New York City and its a mess. This city can not handle all the snow that has been coming there way. It has to be a total of 17 inches by now. It has run out of funds for snow clean up. Somehow it had to find it because it's the city that never sleeps. Its always busy. And the financial district were the stock market is....the show must go on........
On another note, I miss my grandaughter. She has been in Florida since last week. I know she is having fun . But I am selfish...
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Buty panty pic

Sorry forgot to put the pic on the panty...
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Buty panty

Hello everyone. Hope your day is good. I am including this picture because I thought I had seen it all when we had spanx. And ardyss. You know that body suit that sucks up all your fat and tightens it up. Im not even going to tell a lie, I use it once. I was trying to look good with my jeggings and my love handles were sticking out. So I put this thing on and I just could not breathe. It still sits in my closet.... Maybe ill try again later. As I was working and cleaning up, I found this in a box. I just could not believe it. I thought we only had padded bras but now we have othet body parts too
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Friday, January 21, 2011

Hello Friday...

                      Hello to all... May your day be well and blessed. I am so tired of this snow that is surrounding us. I get the fact that it has to snow but, why so much. I feel like it started and now it does not know when to end. I had to call out of work today. It was that bad. My grandaughter went home today. My husband took her down to Virginia. She was so happy . I know she misses her mom. I know I miss mine. All I have done today is clean the house and move some furniture around... You can tell I am bored. Not use to it being quiet in the house. I am going to take a nap so I am well rested for work tommorow.

              Today was the funeral of the Pastor's step-son. Now please advise me because maybe indeed I am old fashion. Most of the people that use to go to that church including ourselves called to the family to give condolencense for the death of their son. At the time all were advise that they would called to notify us of the funeral arrangements and when it would take place.... Everyone had said that the Pastor or his wife had call to let them know of the where it would take place and the date and time. We were not one of the phone calls. So I decided to not go. I felt like you have my number , if you wanted our presence there then you would have place a call to  my residence or my cell and left a message. Everyone else did , so I assumed that maybe we were not welcome . I had explain that to some of the congregational members that we spoke to.
I do not go places that I am not invited too. Maybe it was not an overlook it their part and just did not want us there. We only live a few houses down so even if you have not had my number you could have came by the house. I still pray for them and just hope that one day people in church mature up . Pray for my strength, and that the snow stops. ..... I just can not believe that it is Friday. Agent 85374

Monday, January 17, 2011

Grand mother blues....

   Good Evening to all. Hope your day was great and bless.  I'm a little sadden today. My grandaughter is about to go home. She lives in Virginia. She has been here for about a month and I have gotten use to her being around. I take her back on Thursday after her follow up. She had went to the ER on Saturday night.

I have my other baby grandaughter that I can not even blog because she just wont let me type or even give me a minute of peace, but I know I am going to miss her. She is going to Florida to visit family members there. An empty house for at least two weeks, what am I going to do ?????? Agent 85374

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Love, Life and Faith..... Community Forum

Love, Life and Faith..... Community Forum
If you love to Blog , go to You will find a whole lot of different blogs and can really make a lot of friends. The link above is a link to my Community Forom whee we discuss anything you like. Agent 85374

Tickets Please......( a joke from the bi-weekly publication)

  This is a joke that I have found on my towns bi-weekly publication.
  (Tickets Please)

Three women and three men are traveling by train to the football game. At the station, the three men each buy a ticket and watch as the three women buy just one ticket  .
" How are the three of you going to travel on only one ticket?" asks one of the men. " Watch and learn, " answers one of the women.
They all board the train. The three men take their respective seats but all three women cram into a toilet together and close the door. Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the toilet door says, "Ticket, please. "
 The door opens just a crack, and single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on.
 The men see this happened and agree it was quite a clever idea. So after the game, they decided to do the same thing on the return trip and save some money.

When they get to the station they buy a single ticket for the return trip but see, to their astonishment, that the three women don't buy any ticket at all!
" How are you going to travel without a ticket?"  asks one perplexed man. "Watch and learn, " answered the woman.
 When they board the train, the three men cram themselves into a toilet, and the three women cram into a toilet just down the way.
 Shortly after the train is on it's way, one of the women leaves her toilet and walks over to the toilet in which the men are hiding. She knocks on their door and says, " Tickets please."

 I'm still trying to figure out why men think they are smarter than women. Agent 85374

What a night...

  Hello to everyone. Hope all is good. Thank you to my creator for all his mercy and love he has shown me today and always. I know that all is well in your homes tonight and pray for others that are not as fortunate as you. As I was driving to work on Saturday ,my car has a temperature gage and it tells me how cold it is outside. In some areas of my drive, it was 4  degrees. I just started to pray for the homeless that were not able to find shelter. I also ask God for one request, I want for the world to be liberated from drugs. I mean narcotics. So many people I knew that had great careers and good jobs , have turn to drug addicts because they just can not deal with life. Some have commit suicide and some ended up in jail. I have had a rough life myself but one thing I know is that the faith I had in my Heavenly father has kept me walking through the thin line. The reason I say through and not on ,is because I have past my trials. I did not stand on it. So for this I am so full of joy.
  Yesterday was a tough evening for us. My oldest grandaughter was running around the house. Our fault we let her since it was going to be her last day with us , and she was running fast on the steps and trip and fell. Did not tumble all the way down thank God but hit the bracket on the gate and had a bad cut. Like most kids that know they were doing something they are not suppose to will not cry, and she didn't until I was on my way up the steps to see what had fell and saw her bleeding. Of course my first instinct was to scream , but having had 4 kids they seemed to have prepared me for these circumstances. So I ran to the bathroom and apply pressure , wash the wound and put neosporin on it. Not to forget a bandaid. She had stop crying once I told her she was not in trouble and I got her dress and told my husband we have to go to the ER(Emergency Room). Got there at 10:30 p.m. and left 1:43am not bad. They clean it and gave her stitches . So an eventful trip to the er has landed us another week with our grandaughter. I am so happy. She is so sweet. I am going to miss her. She lives in Virginia , so we do not get to see her often. This trip we had her almost a month. We kind of got spoiled.
    Our other grandchild , the baby is on her way to florida for vacation . She is visiting her other grandparents. I already miss her, but I am glad she has the opportunity to go and see her family. Family truly is important. I had to learn that the hard way.  
  Agent 85374

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Little girl....not so little anymore

This is the youngest girl in my family. She is my baby girl. The reason I decided on this picture for my blog is because yesterday I heard some disturbing news about a young man just as young as her.
First of all let me say hello to everyone .Hope you had a good day and filled with love.. Hopefully you had your conversation with the lord and your conscious is free.
Back to the reason for my blog today. As I show you a picture of my youngest daughter , I had to take a moment to pray and be greatful to my heavenly father fir the blessings that I have received. You see I am the type of mother that does not know how to say good job, good choice, a job well done. I feel like this just gives them a big head and they will feel like that is all they need to do. I do not want them to settle for anything. I want them to be achievers.
I found out today that a gentleman that I went to church with ,committed suicide in his front yard. Now let me explain the connection. You see we use to attend this gentleman's fathers church. His dad was the pastor to the old church we use to attend. It is so hard to even think that your child did not feel worth anything. A lot of times kids just don't get it, but we do need to let them know that we do appreciate them even if we do not agree with all their actions and choices. We have to ask god to guide them and trust that the lord is doing just that. I do not know why he did what he did but as a mother I could just imagine what his mom feels like. Been a christian family being taught that suicide is a sin, how do you cope with knowning the inevitable......

Please pray for this family and their strength to remain faithful to the lord and may they find comfort in the holy ghost........
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Monday, January 10, 2011

New Living Room..

This is what Im shooting for this year......

 Hello everyone.. Hope all is well. May the lord have rest his blessings upon you today.
Ok I want to start by saying even though I have told myself that I will not do a new year's resolution, I will do what I want to call a goal for the New Year and see how far I get. The above living room set is my dream set. I have wanted it for a few years. My livingroom outfit I have now is approximately 15 years old , it still is in pretty good shape. However , with times and change , I want a new outfit. I deserve a new one. So for this year I am going to work harder and put money to the side and tried to get me this outfit. I do not want to finance. Really can't afford it even if I tried.
On another note, I would like us to take time out and pray for those families that have been disrupted by this crazy circumstance and hope that they find comfort in what could only be memories that would be dear at heart. I pray for all . You do not have to neccessarily know the person, remember you are brother's and sister's in christ and for this we need to stand in for one another more often.....
Enough with the attacks to one another. What has that accomplish but, just anger? All this hate that we teach our youth of tommorow . It's a wonder why our world is being destroy faster and our time here is shorter and shorter... Agent 85374

Friday, January 7, 2011

After the storm...

After the storm the sun always comes.... That's life for you. In our daily lives thats how it is. We have to whether the storm. Life is short, we have to live to the fullest. God hast blessed us with so many things on this earth , it literally is impossible not to live to its fullest.
I know I sound crazy and you are probably thinking you havent had hard times, but i'm here to tell you life experiences have made me stronger as an individual and as a christian. I truly love the lord I serve. An because of the love that I have , is why I enjoy life to it's fullest. I haven't accomplish much of what I set out to do but the things I have are just as good.
Thanks to my creator, for molding me.....
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Pity me....

I hate doing inventory. Hello everyone. Hope all is well. A little snow outside and at work we are in inventory mode. Have pity on
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Young love between siblings....

This two young ladies are my grandaughters. I thought how cute this was. They have not seen each other in a while. They ran to each other like good old friends.
I just want to thank God, for my 2 blessings. Its great to have this opportunity to be able to be around as their grandmother and see their joy.... They remind me of the kids when they were little.....
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Monday, January 3, 2011

A joke

Almost forgot to leave a joke behind..
   They are a few because they are very small...
"You Got It"
 When I got home last night,
my wife demanded that I take her to some place expensive.....
so, I took her to the gas station.

" The 10 Commandments"
 The real reason we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this, you cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal",
"Thou Shalt Not Comit Adultery",
"Thou Shalt Not Lie"
in a building full of lawyers, judges and creates a hostile enviorment.

Don't forget to visit the website below.... Agent 85374


Im sorry I thought in my previous blogs I had uploaded yhe right video but I was going to try again......
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My grand girl

Just sharing a special moment with jenelle...thats my grandbaby...
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Sunday, January 2, 2011


  This special announcement is for my friend.She sells these products as a side business. Please use the agent number below next to the website I provided.  We have a habit as females to not take very good care of ourselves. We have long work days and neglect our inner beauty. We are stay at home moms and our job is never done. But once all the kids are in bed and the bedroom is yours and your husband or significant other what you wear is sometimes what you feel .... The website below is a little racy but fun... It's not for all of us but , it's time to tap into our inner beauty... Have fun Agent 85374

A Revisit....


   Hello everyone... I want to start my blog today by saying a small prayer.

    Heavenly father today I want to thank you for all you have done for me and my family. You have kept us healthy and strong and even though there are a lot of trial our way , you have been there to guide us through all the way. Thank you for your mercy, for not turning your back on us, for saying yes to us all who repent and acknowledge your son Jesus Christ who came here on this earth in the flesh to die for our sins.....Please keep help those that are shut in and sick, I ask you to help them dear God and guide them to a better tommorow .. Those in prison please help them to see that there is you and only you that can change their lives and through you and your knowledge they will be redeem in the heavens above. For you are the only true judge and no one else can condem us. All this I pray in the name of Jesus......... Amen

   Thank you for allowing me to say that small prayer.  I needed to. It's the first Sunday of the year. I wanted so bad to be in church. I had hope that by this year I would have found a church that I can grow on. This seems to be the biggest challenge that I have encounter.... I had once been told that I was like a little girl in a candy store.... Eager to do Gods work but, as of yet I do not know what that is .
  Today as my husband and I got ourselves together to go to church we did not know where we were going, we just knew we had to go.. So we got dress and got in our car and drove down.... Although my husband had an idea I did not but, I let him guide us. We ended up going to our old church.. I will leave the name out of this because I am not in the slandering churches business but, I had my reasons for leaving in the first place...  There is still no organization as usual and you are always put on the spot, but I have to tell you I felt at home. I never thought that the day will come when I am always ready to do as I am ask in God's  house. This meant a lot for me to just be able to fit right in a church that you normally do not attend but it showed me that God is everywhere and that as long as you want to be about God you will always be ready no matter where you are.
   It was good to see my fellow brothers and sisters and I am grateful to God for keeping them healthy and well and for allowing their health to improve and kind of sorry that I did not get to see some members that I wanted to . The guest speaker was great .She had her sermon come out of Mark 5.... Before I go in details I want you to know how God worked this out. Without knowledge from me my husband this morning wanted to go to our old church. All week long I have been listening to the book of Mark. You see it was my new thing to choose to do to get closer to God's understanding so I have installed the holy bible on my ipod and I choose a book to listen to every week on my commute to and from work. Today's Evangelist that was visiting , message was coming out of Mark 5. She talked about the man that was in an island and was tormented by the devil and when he saw Jesus he worshipped him.... Can we do that? At our worst time in the world can we worshipped Jesus and have enough faith to beleive that he will make it all right. I would like to say yes we all do but, the truth of the matter is we will not. Most of us will not worship God at such a time. Im sad to say but it's the truth.......

 Agent 85374

A Joke for All........

 This Joke is in my bi-weekly publication.....
  This one is call " Blind Date"
   " How was your blind date?" a college student asked her roommate." Terrible!
" the roommate answered, " He showed up in his 1932 Rolls Royce."
" Wow! That's a very expensive car. What's so bad about that?"
" He was the original owner!"

Here is another and it's called "Lipstick on the Mirror"
According to a news report, Buena Vista High School recently was faced with a unique problem. A number
of girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick they would press  their lips to the mirror, leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night, the maintenance man would remove them and the next day, the girls would put them back. Finally the principle decided that something had to be done . She called the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night.
 To demonstrate how difficult it was to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance man to clean the mirror..He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet and cleaned the mirror with it. Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror.
      There are teachers, and then there are

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