Sunday, May 30, 2010


      This is my new church. I found this church through a very good sister of mine. I am so eternally greatful to her for accepting me back into her life. You see ,we use to attend another church before together and she took notice of the greed and wrong doings before I could and needing to continue her walk with GOD she came to this church and has been there since. Her joy and happiness everytime she talked about her church took me by surprise for you see I was getting to the point were I did not want to go to church anymore. My heart told me different and since I loved the Lord with my heart and not my mind , My heart was set to find another church to attend and get back on track so that I can receive the word from the LORD.  The message is why we go to church. To get a better understanding of why we struggle. We need to believe that there is something better than this that we are searching for.
   I have never felt like helping a church achieve as much as this one. I never have felt the need to do all I can for a church. But, you see what I am learning in the short weeks that we have been attending, is that when you want to work for the Lord it has to be voluntary. No one should make you feel like you are obligated to do something. You have no obligations to know no one but, yourself. When you are not obligated and you choose to do things, they are at free will and they come from so much love. Their is nothing I would not do to help this church get bigger and spread the word from our almighty father. We as christians ,believers of christ, have an obligation to help fulfill what Jesus Christ started here with his healing and peace ministry. His sacrifice for our salvation, is all we need to want to continue to help others. To love one another no matter what. We need to heal this world that today is filled with so much violence and hate.
  A perculiar theory is what I learn at bible study on friday night. I was late but, GOD saw it fit for me to go and learn a lesson. What I learn was this. In the bible it states that God so love us he would let us try again and again and again and again until we get it right. Not like us that have no patience. When he put Adam here on this earth, he told him he could eat from all the trees except one.  Adam did not obey and ate an apple from the forbidden tree.
 Next we have Noah whom was told to bring in two pair of animals and all living creatures that were clean and his 3 sons and their wives and his wife. Then as we understand the bible it tells us that he brought in two of other people. That was mistake number two. Now we have the first king of Israel Saul. Good old King Saul was told to obey GOD and kill the Amalekites and all their animals and evrything there. He killed everything except an oxen and a `sheep and kept it. So now we have three people send by God to obey his law and we could not do it. There's a whole lot of people throughout the bible with the same story of disobedience. Until Jesus Christ came and eneded the fall of man. He actually obey the Lord's word and did exactly what he was sent to do. How many of us here today can say that?
   My message to you guys and ladies, is love one another, take care of each other. Life is very short .

These girls here
are my nieces and my very best friend . She is like a cousin. The one in the middle is my friend Franciny. The other two are my nieces. Vanessa to the left and Melissa to the right. They are going to visit me next week. I am so excited. None of my family has really been here in the Pocono's to visit me. I  am so excited.
Well my weight as of 7:30 was 131.8.... Yeah


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