Monday, May 17, 2010

a day of work

hello to everyone today... Thank you most gracious father for getting us all up and blessing us with another day of life.
Nothing great about my day . My boss came from her vacation and we remerchandise the floor . It kept me busy . The day went by fast.
My husband had left to Va, to take our daughter Ashley and grandbaby Kamari,

She is the big girl you see here. I already miss her. She has the cutest smile and I love how caring she is. With such genuine love. I guess I won't be seeing her for a while.
Today I weigh 132 this morning but when I got home I weighed 134.8. I think it was the 2 piece chicken I ate coming home from work. It was fried too. So I have to do double the excersise today. Or drink more tea..
I'm off to cook some rice and pepper steak for my kids with a nutrious salad for me... yummyyyyyy.....

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Jessica said...

LOL I dont think a 2 piece chicken made you gain 2 lbs mommy ;)..One of the scales were probably wrong..but hey just dropping by to say that I love u!!!

Mrs.B said...

Thanks, now I feel like I broke the

Jessica said...

no way lol

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