Thursday, March 24, 2011

An addiction, Let me explain, It's not what you think!!!!

Dear Lord,    Thank you for the opportunity you give me to share a few words with friends and family....

   My story..The one I read....
       It's called " Sachi"
           Soon after her brother was born, little Sachi began to ask her parents to leave her alone with the new baby. They worried that like most four-year-olds, she might feel jealous and want to hit or shake him, so they said no. But she showed no signs of jealousy. She treated the baby with kindness and her pleas to be left alone with him became more urgent. They decided to allow it.
           Elated, she went into the bne baby's room and shut the door, but it opened a crack---enough for her curious parents to peek in and listen. They saw little Sachi walk quietly up to her baby brother, put her face close to his and say quietly, "Baby, tell me what God feels like. I'm starting to forget."

   My addiction,
Little House On a Prairie.....    The show..... I have been home sick like I told you. So I have been watching all these shows on tv. One of my all time favorites was Little House On A Prairie. It reminds me of how free we use to be back in those times. I also notice that God was in almost all the episodes. I have not really found a show in this era that I can sit and watch with my children that defines the goodness of God.This has been my new addiction. Although I have watch almost every episode this show has out, I am now watching with a different view.... Take the time and find good shows that has a relationship with God and sit and watch with your children. The children are the way to our future and I am concern if we do not teach them about the love that the Lord has for us it will disappear like these great shows.....
Try this new website that I have found for you.....

Family Photos

