Thursday, October 6, 2016

New beginning

Hello all.....
       It's been a few months since I have written anything...
  Last I wrote was on father's day and I have so much going on since then....
 It has been a long road to recovery. I had surgery on my right ankle on June 10th 2016... It was a series of 4 surgeries after the car accident... I am metal free. No more plates or screws. However, I have a lot of pain. It is a constant pain and it increases as the day progresses but, I refuse to give up or take any pain medication. I do not want to end up becoming dependent on anything but my prayers.
   SO I have returned to work and my work now is not what I am use to. I was a shop manager for DKNY Jeans at Macy's. Now I am a DCS...  It's a small company but what they do helps people. Its a senior home. I have learn to respect those in the medical field. Everything that they do is from the heart. So under pay and so much responsibility.  I have some great new co-workers. I'm happy for right now. I feel that I have a calling to be there. I do not know why.

Family Photos

