Thursday, May 20, 2010

Horrible Feelings?

This is my youngest grandchild she is now 1. Her mother my oldest child has officially learned a way to make me feel even worst than ever. Today is her 21st birthday. I feel old . Really old and fat. You know how I know i'm getting old, because it is taking me 4 weeks just to loose 4 pounds.
Today I had grilled porkchop and spring mix salad. Very tasty, but i'm still hungry. I also did my exercise. I think that I'm ready to start increasing it to 4 times a week and make the sessions longer.
My husband and I have been trying this new church to see if we like it. So far so good. But we will see. We were once convince that the church we found was the one for us but, it turn out it was not. What a disappoinment, but life is full of them. It does not stop me from seeking God and what I'm meant to do in this world.
Work suckkkkkk. I can not explain it any simpler than that.
A joke to finish your day..

"Funny Taste"

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other "Does this taste funny to you?"

Sorry not the best joke..See you tommorow

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Jessica said...

Mommy yiu are not getting older just wiser

Mrs.B said...


Family Photos

