Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thanking God for another Day

      Hello to all. Hope to was great. Happy Birthday to my son who turns 22 years of age today. I can not believe that time is flying like this. It's crazy because I remember just yesterday cutting him a spiderman cake. Now he is a grown man. Wow.
      Now that that is out of the way allow me to go off..... Like usual.
I have never been a shallow person. I try to do things as I expect to be done to me and I truly live by that code. Treat others as you expect them to treat you. I have a story for you. For those who know me know that I have two daughter's from a previous marriage. Before you judge let me explain. I was a very young girl at the time and thought I wanted to be grown so I chose to leave my home and went and moved in with my boyfriend at the time. Long story short . I got married had two daughter's with this man had and found out that we had nothing in common.I loved my daughter's and myself more than his fist. My girls are now 26 and 24 so this happened a very long time ago. I was blessed and found a wonderful man that took my girls as if they were his own. He had a daughter of his own so we instantly became a big family. My girls were 2 going on 3 and months old going on 1. So they were very young. Now for a long time their father was not in the picture because he moved out of the state so my girls did not remember their father much, and nor did he come visit or make arrangements to visit them. This kind of theme was going on for years. I eventually went to him and gave him visitation rights . For a long time things seemed ok . I do not like to question my girls much when they visited with their father. I wanted them to feel that it was their private time. My oldest enjoy to go where as my little one was more reluctant. Please keep in mind that both my girls consider my husband their dad and not their father for reason that they can only explain. After a while when the girls grow up and there is no longer a court order forcing them to go with their father , my youngest chose to dismiss her relationship with her father and my oldest kept in touch but also kept her distant. They did not feel a missing parent because my husband has always been there as their dad...... A few months back , my youngest daughter decided to move in with her father for a bit while she is taking a certification for teaching. She was only going to stay for 6 weeks but got a job offer and decided to stay for a bit.
       When you don't  know your child anymore, it is hard for two people to start were they left off specially if they way they left off was not in good terms. My daughter was tired of the promises and the lies that were promised to her and she has less tolerance than my oldest. now staying with someone that you really have no respect for is hard to as a father you would want to try to mend the things that are broken. This is my biggest problem and why I rant here instead. There are men that make mistakes acknowledge them , apologize and move on trying to make things better. But, then you have the idiots that know nothing and do not think that what they do are mistakes . Can no acknowledge their flaws and think that the world has to surround them. I have raised my children very independent and not to expect things from people but you would think that things would be a bit different if they are your own kids. Considering you have never really done anything for them, you would think that attempting to start at least a friendship with her wouldn't kill you but instead you complain about the petty things to start an argument because you are miserable in your marriage. I had told my daughter to move out long time ago but sometimes kids have it in their heart that they want answers and will stick it out. Finally big argument started and she was basically force to go and stay in a hotel room and find a place. I am happy about that. She is use to her own space and being independent so having her own place is what she needs all along. Now I say this kindly and asking the good man above to forgive me , but I hope you reap what you sow......
        On a good note my daughter seems so relief and happy. She try something and it didn't work out so she had to move on. Some doors are not meant to be reopen... Good night

Family Photos

