Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inauguration 2013

 Hello everyone... Hope all is well. Here in Pa is about 8 degrees... Very cold..Freezing like temperatures.
If you stand outside for more than minutes at a time you can get frost bite. That's how cold it is.

I, like most people ,watch the Inauguration of President Obama...

It was a wonderful thing to watch the Inauguration of a President. I was excited to see the performances and to see all the people that have come out to support such an event.

It was such a nice to see the Inauguration taking place on Dr. Martin Luther King's Day....It shows how far this country has come and all that was sacrifice for the opportunities that are possible because of such courage........ We thank all those that marched and put their lives on the line for equality.

The beautiful and talented Kelly Clarkson sang her song although it might have been so cold... We thank her.

And embarrassed by Beyonce and her lip-synching of our star spangled banner...
I know that not always you will be at your best but the thing is when you choose to be a singer as your career and that is what you are paid to do, then do your job. Regardless if you mess up. We are willing to forgive and understand someone messing up at their job because we do it all the time than to be deceived by one we trust. I had always thought of her as a talented young woman that need not to exploit herself with all the sexuality that she promotes within her videos.A true musician that loves music would listen and not see. It is hard to take her seriously as a role model for young aspiring singers or other young women of today. We do not want to teach our children that you have to be any other than yourself and that our best is always good enough....... 

Kudos to Alicia Keys... 
She looks radiant as ever and sang beautifully
And who can leave behind Jennifer Hudson....

I know I forgot some but these are the one that stuck out the most to me.... Thank you all and I hope you have a great night...
True Love...

Family Photos

