Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Peace be unto to you... Peace be still.. Pray your worries away...
Hello to all. Hope your day is going well today and always. I had physical therapy today which has me finally feeling like I am going to overcome this little problem in my life. I know that I am sitting still because in my belief, I feel that my Lord is molding me into  learning  and accepting all that I am and what I can be.To realize the important things in life. Not the materialistic things, but those that truly matter. First God and family. It is very funny to me that while I thought I was doing great, I could barely make ends meet, but now that i'm on disability and barely getting any income, i've been bless to be say, that my husband has been able to provide for us. He had a hard time in finding work. I was basically the provider and so that was a lot of struggles for me. Never felt like I receive enough rest or just felt like I couldn't achieve anything. But my Lord up above showed me different. I receive the rest I so much had desire for and my husband has been able to pick up the pieces. I am so ever grateful but it came with a storm. My accident. Now as I wait to reocoperate and contribute my share, i'm slowly recovering. I find myself thinking more positive. Looking at things with more meaning. Being very thankful for what I do have and not what I want. Don't get me wrong. I still dream big, but I am find with what I have. I just want to be able to live life not so stress. I want to appreciate life for what it is.. Beautiful...
Since I have been sitting at home, I've looked at every magazine, books and shows on tv. You can imagine. I saw this interesting simple recipe for soda floats on a Better Homes and Gardens magazine and I would love to share it with you. This is great for kids. 
It was called the Art and Science of Soda Floats
Very simple recipes.. This one is a Raspberry and grape soda float. Just get a tall glass and put a few scoops of raspberry sorbet and then add grape soda... And there you go. The other one is called Strawberry and Lime. This one is not a traditional float but it sounds very good. Just try it. Get a tall glass and surround the rim with salt like if you were doing a Margarita. Then you add a few scoops of lime sherbet and top it of with strawberry soda...Sounded interesting...And last but not least, this one is Green Apple and Caramel... Get a tall glass. Add a few scoops of dulce de leche ice cream. Add green apple soda... Finally drizzle caramel and toast to Summer... Its almost over here in my state.

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