Wednesday, October 16, 2013

                       Hello to all. I hope that everyone has had a bless week.  It has been a tough one for me but nonetheless a positive outcome as always. My father up above must still need me here because my job is not done. At least that is what I keep telling myself.
                          I was ill and went for a check-up. I was having some terrible pains in places there should be no pain unless you are a woman and you are having your monthly visitor, but this visitor was just knocking my door and never enter. So I decided the pain was unbearable and went to see my Dr. Upon completion of the visit and after all the blood work and the ultrasound/sonograms they found out that I hit 40... My body decided to have 2 cysts on the left and 2 fibroids and the biggest of all was 1 rupture cysts. As if this wasn't cause for alarm I still had no cycle. The biggest concern for my Dr. was to find out were the rupture cyst was. I was not bleeding as I should be and I have a high wbc (White blood count).. These means I have a real bad infection and the blood that's in me can be killing me. Poisoning the rest of my body... I took some antibiotics which I am still on and I have a follow up visit with her next Wednesday but, I am still here.. i'm pain but nonetheless still here. Don't you just love your heavenly father for keeping us under his wings all the time. You see I learn very fast to really put my faith in the person to whom I pray to and speak about to other's. It is so easy to tell people to have faith but when it really comes down to it , can you really say you have the courage to do so. I did not want to be a hypocrite to my cause and therefore I have decided to do just that. Put my trouble in his hands and let him lead me to were he feels I need to go to get healed. Now this doesn't mean I am not taking my meds or seeing the Dr. I didn't say my diagnosed was stupidity ,but what I meant was that I shall not worry myself to death any longer. I have still a full life to live and as long as I have it I shall do just that. Tomorrow is never promised to any of us. It may sound silly but really believe in this words" Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today".. Live life, like is your last one cause really it might just be....

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