Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Another opportunity to try and make it right

    Good morning my fellow blogger family. I hope all you're needs and prayers are met today and you have a bless day as we go on with our day.
     I apologize for not blogging these past days but frankly i've been tired... over the weekend i had my nephew and my grandaughter... a 7 year old and a 4 year old...thats all I can say about that... im exhausted
         Last I had posted pics from my family's new year gathering.. It was the first gathering since my aunt had past but it had also been our first gathering in years... we are an estranged family ...at least we were.. Im proud to say that although we still have one or two busy bodies in our family , I still enjoy our gatherings... its family and no family is perfect... the untimely death of my aunt had us all thinking about the more important things in life...each other
     So im sharing my family' s first trip to Pennsylvania... My sons birthday get together ..This was one of many gatherings...

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