Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One At A Time

Father help your children and don't let them fall by the side of the road...
And teach them to love one another and heaven might find a place in their hearts, Cause Jesus is LOVE....
These are the lyrics to a song sang by the Commodores. If you are interested iit is called "JESUS IS LOVE"

I have a lot of things that I base my day by. There is a lot of scriptures that I read. None in order at all. Some songs that have meaning to me. It helps me go through my day. I am not as religious as I would want to be but I am trying...
A new thing that I have been doing lately while I'm home sick is read. The book of choice besides my bible is Chicken Soup for the Soul. I have had this book on my shelf and never even looked at it. But now I can't seem to put it down.
The story I want to share is called ONE AT A TIME...
 The reason I want to share this with you is because with all that is going on with the world....

                          Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami

The protest in Libya and this horrible leader that is killing civilians because they are tired of his cruelty..

I figured we have to start praying for God to help us.
    Here is the short story..
  A friend of ours was walking down a deserted Mexican beach at sunset. As he walked along, he began to see another man in the distance. As he grew nearer, he noticed that the local native kept leaning down, picking something up and throwing it out into the water. Time again he kept hurling things out into the ocean..

 As our friend approached even closer, he noticed that the man was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time , he was throwing them back into the water.
 Our friend was puzzled. He approached the man and said, " Good evening, friend. I was wondering what you are doing."
  " I'm throwing these starfish back into the ocean.You see, it's low tide right now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If I don't throw them back into the sea, they'll die up here from lack of oxygen."
     " I understand," my friend replied, " but there must be thousands of starfish on this beach. You can't possibly get to all of them. There are simply too many. And don't you realize this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast. Can't you see that you can't possibly make a difference?"

    The local native smiled, bent down and picked up yet another starfish , and as he threw it back into the sea, he replied, "Made a difference to that one!"

 We can all make a difference in anything thing that we do... I choose this week while I'm home to go through my closet and getting rid of the clothes that I know I do not need and give it to the churches or local pantries that will take it, for other families that need them. ... It's small but it's a start. Have a bless day and thanks for stopping by.....................................................

Try this new website that I have found for you.....

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