Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday is it traditional to go to church or do you enjoy it?

          Today I was not going to church.
  Sorry where are my manners. Hello how are you? Hope you are in great spirit even though your life might feel like it is falling apart. At least that is how I feel sometimes.
 As I was saying prior, I felt like not going to church today. I normally feel real excited and want to go. I feel like if I do not go I am going to miss a message that probably was meant for me. Nonetheless I went but not to mine. Not the one I am a member to. I realize then that it did not matter the church that we went to ,when you want a message you will receive it. It was a great thing to go. I was so disappointed that I thought by  not going to my church I was going to miss something, when in actuality it did not matter at all where I went to as long as I was ready to receive the message and want to learn and apply it to my daily living, I will never miss a message or a lesson. I have been for so long debating with people about the fact that people in church should not matter to you because you go to receive the message and understanding and not really associated with others, but the more I learn about Jesus, I realized that this is not true. You do need to be able to go and worship in a place were you can love and respect everyone because that was Jesus's message. If this is what I want to learn then I do need to be in a place where I am allow to do just that.....Not in a place of gossip and hate and people that enjoy to hurt one another. My friend told me once, church people hurt people. I did not understand it at first until I  went through a small encounter of it myself.  Then I understood. See people see a church as a place were all the wrong in the world stops for the moment and God is being given the glory for all he has done..If you can not see the difference from the outside in then that church is not doing its job of putting god first in that house for people that need to come there for comfort. They need a safe place to go to and what more safer place than in the house of the Lord.......

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