Tuesday, August 10, 2010


   Today is just another day like any other yet, I feel loved.

 Hello everyone. Hope all is well. Today there is nothing different about my life. I have all the same troubles and the same bills the same job and the same life... So why do I feel different. I am preparing to do my sermon that I was invited to do for my church. I was asked to speak for 10 minutes and elaborate something that is close to me in a spiritual way. I was honored to be asked so I agree. I was reading all my scriptures i something that I hold true to self  and found out that I am very loved. I have always preach to people about having faith yet I am one of those that have trouble to be totally convince. I am what you call a working progress. But I am trying so that is a step closer to my change in life. My perspective is totally different that what it use to be and I have learn to appreciate the world for what it is.
I was looking at a deers picture that I took the other day and to my amazement I wanted to be like him. I would love to be able to trust the lord up above with all. Do you know that deers have so much faith in the heavenly father. They do not worry about anything . The rains that the lord send down supplies food and water for them. The trees provide homes and shelter. They dont work and have no materialistic things that bond them. they can go to any state and be free. they can travel.

In thinking this way I have began to wonder about the people in our past and all those who have travel this earth by faith and not sight.. This is how we should be today.
After all Jesus loved you so much that he died on that cross for you and me.....

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