Sunday, June 13, 2010

Happy and Blessed Sunday

 Hello to everyone who's taking the time to read this blog. I want to thank my heavenly father for keeping me alive another day. I went to church today and it was a very inspirational service. Even though it was a few of us there today. I received my message. "Just do what you can do" that was the title of our service. It meant to do the least and don't worry about the most. You can start out by accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour and stop worrying about getting to GOD. So do what you can do . Go to church, love your neighbors, help in any way that you can as long as its in your power to do so. It's the Christian way. It was the reason that we have salvation today. His sacrifice was an eternal gift to us. He was the last offering that we gave our Heavenly father. You see in olden times as in the Bible, people use to get a young ram and burn it and offer it to GOD, but our last young lamb that we offer was Jesus Christ and that's why you owe all you can to him. Someone chose to die for you before you were even born, and you think that you don't owed them at least a thank you. The least you can do is praise him , thank him, listen to what he has left written in the New Testament part of the bible. These were people that were there to witness. You mean to tell me that you will believe all the social studies of history that we have but, you can not believe certain parts of history from the bible. What makes these books so different? why are they so controversial? why do these facts of the past cause people to think so hard? Why not just believe, accept and love it all? My sister's and brother's in christ take some time for yourself and get into whatever get's you closer to God. Give him some time and you will notice a great deal of change in your life. Nothing that is good is easy, It's always going to be hard work but at the end it is all worth it...................

  Song of the Day

    Lead me Jesus

 A joke for the day
   " The Doctor And The Husband"

   A doctor examining a woman who had been rushed to the emergency room, took the husband aside and said, " I don't like the looks of your wife at all."
   "Me neither doc," said the husband. "But she's a great cook and really good with the kids."

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