Friday, November 20, 2009

Sermon part 2

The homilectical structure of sermon preparation and sermon classification is by structure. (3 types of structure)
one of the most common methods of structure is the

a) Textual sermom: In the textual sermon the divisions come from the text. The text provides the subject and major divisions of the sermon. A single subject is drain from the text and then it is discussed under the divisions the text furnishes. In many ways the textual sermon is the easiest format.

The textual sermon should follow this format:

1A) Find a specific subject from the text
2A) Look for seperate ideas and divisions
3A) It is not always necessary to follow the natural order of the text although it is more easy and convinient, but it is not obligatory.
4A) The preacher need not use every part of the text. He should have the wisdom to omit. The material omitted can be used at another for another sermon.

B) The Topical Sermon- You are given a topic or subject to preach on or you are drawn to preach on a specific topic or theme ( subject) even before you have found a biblical text that sheds any light on that issue or topic. (at this time you pray and ask god to give you a text and you may also use your own concordance and knowledge of the word (text). The goal of topical preaching is not just giving info. but why this topic important to us today as christmas....

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